Bale out in spanish

Bale hacia fuera

pronunciation: bɑleɑθiɑfueɹ̩ɑ part of speech: verb
In gestures

bail out2 = escapar, abandonar. [Escrito bale out en inglés americano]

Example: In the article 'Bailing out' 9 of the 10 librarians interviewed admitted that they were trying to get out of librarianship partly due to unrealistic expectations learned in library school.

bale out = escapar saltando en paracaídas. [Escrito bail out en inglés británico]

Example: Robert baled out of his aircraft over enemy territory on 27th of April 1944.

bale out = sacar de apuros. [Escrito bail out en inglés británico]

Example: This is one of the 3 top automakers that want taxpayers to give them 25 billion to bale them out of their financial difficulties!.
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