Date in spanish


pronunciation: fetʃɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

date1 = fecha, día. 

Example: This access is achieved by organising the tools so that a user may search under a specific access point or heading or index term, for example, subject term, author, name, title, date.


» accession date = fecha de registro. [Fecha en la que los datos esenciales de un documento se anotan en el libro de registro de la biblioteca]

Example: The accession date of a document is the date on which it was entered into the accessions register.

» arrival date = fecha de llegada.

Example: Prediction of the arrival date for irregular serials is a major problem.

» at a later date = más adelante, posteriormente.

Example: Word processing software available for use on mainframe computers, microcomputers and word processors was originally designed for application where it is convenient to be able to store a text, then recall this text, and re-use it with minor modifications, at a later date.

» at + future date = en el futuro.

Example: In essence, an issues management group, within a corporation or other organization, attempts to identify technological or social issues likely to have positive or negative impact on the institution at some future date.

» beginning date = fecha de comienzo.

Example: Each entry contains details of full title, place, publisher, editor, beginning date, frequency, and contents.

» best before date = fecha de caducidad, fecha de vencimiento.

Example: It should be safe to eat food after the 'best before' date, but the food will no longer be at its best.

» best by date = fecha de caducidad, fecha de vencimiento.

Example: Each carton is marked with a 'Best By' date, which is located on the bottom of the box.

» birth date = fecha de nacimiento.

Example: If the local number is used to store the birth date of the borrower, all borrowers in a specified age range can be selected.

» bring + Nombre + up to date = actualizar, poner al día, renovar.

Example: While Jewett, contemplating the use of individual entries that could more easily be changed and brought up to date, found it desirable to rule that the entry should be under the latest name used by the author.

» closed date = fecha de cierre.

Example: If a branch-specific list of closed dates is not necessary, the closed dates defined for the local library as a whole are taken instead.

» closing date = fecha límite, final del plazo.

Example: In all, 93 proposals were submitted by the closing date of 2nd December, involving 379 different organisations from all EC Member States = En total, para la fecha límite del 2 de diciembre se habían presentado 93 propuestas de 379 organizaciones diferentes de todos los estados miembros de la Comunidad Europea.

» completion date = fecha de finalización.

Example: Repayments is normally by equal half-yearly payments of capital and interest after a moratorium on capital repayments of up to five years, depending on project completion date.

» copyright date = fecha del copyright. [Fecha en que se registró una publicación como propiedad]

Example: If no edition or imprint date can be ascertained, then an attempt is made to provide a date from amongst any other dates given on the work, such as copyright dates, and reprint dates.

» cover date = fecha de la cubierta.

Example: All copies from all subscriptions are listed together in reverse chronological order by cover date (Figure 176).

» cut-off date = fecha límite.

Example: The borrower file is then searched to obtain a list of all those borrowers with registration dates before the cut-off date.

» date due = fecha de vencimiento, fecha de caducidad.

Example: A screen is then displayed which lists the locations, call numbers and dates due of each copy held by the chosen library.

» date label = hoja de fecha de devolución. [Hoja que se incluye en el libro de la biblioteca para indicar la fecha de devolución del mismo]

Example: A wide variety of stationery is inserted into library books: a book plate, a rule sheet, a date label, a book pocket, combined date label and pocket, combined book and rule sheet.

» dateline = plazo, fecha límite, fecha tope, fecha de vencimiento, final del plazo, cierre de plazo, tiempo límite, límite de tiempo.

Example: All we have left of the millenarian dateline is the countdown to it.

» date of birth = fecha de nacimiento.

Example: Typically, the additions to the name will fall within the following categories: title of nobility, title of honour, form of address, date of birth, and date of death.

» date of commencement = fecha de comienzo.

Example: A chart gives details of 12 university library buildings in India -- date of commencement, completion date, cost, area, and cost of furniture.

» date of coverage = fecha de cobertura, período de cobertura. [Período que abarca el contenido de una publicación]

Example: The date of coverage is the period or date designated by the publisher on a bibliographic unit to define the chronological limits of the content of the unit.

» date of death = fecha de defunción.

Example: Typically, the additions to the name will fall within the following categories: title of nobility, title of honour, form of address, date of birth, and date of death.

» date of issue = fecha de publicación.

Example: The components of a full citation for a periodical article will normally be: source reference, including periodical title, date of issue, volume number, issue number and pagination....

» date of order = fecha de pedido. [Fecha en que se realiza o realizó un pedido de libros]

Example: This copy will have the supplier's name and date of order added to it.

» date of publication = fecha de publicación, fecha de aparición. [Elemento del área publicación, distribución, etc. que detalla la fecha en la que se publicó el material que se describe]

Example: The primary components in this area are place of publication, publisher's name and date of publication (that is, the date of edition).

» date range = período de tiempo, intervalo de tiempo.

Example: It would be great to have a user selectable date range, rather than choosing a day or a week.

» date stamp = sello de fecha, matasellos, fechador.

Example: The issue terminal is equipped with a data pen to which may be attached a self-inking date stamp.

» date-stamp = fechar, poner la fecha.

Example: When an invoice is received all copies and attachments must be date-stamped the same day it is received.

» delivery date = fecha de entrega.

Example: We therefore reserve the right to revise delivery dates in the event of circumstances beyond our control.

» departure date = fecha de salida.

Example: Data pertaining to student arrival and departure dates were collected in Washington and Michigan, two of the largest migrant receiving states.

» due date = fecha de vencimiento.

Example: Also, various strategies using publicity should be tested in order to find ways to increase the percentage of books returned by the due date.

» edition date = fecha de edición. [Fecha en que se editó una publicación]

Example: If no edition or imprint date can be ascertained, then an attempt is made to provide a date from amongst any other dates given on the work, such as copyright dates, and reprint dates.

» expiration date = fecha de vencimiento, fecha de caducidad.

Example: The file contains information about journal subscriptions, such as the publisher, vendor, issue frequency, expiration date, and price per copy.

» expiry date = fecha de caducidad, fecha de vencimiento.

Example: If you wish to pay with a VISA, MASTERCARD or AMERICAN EXPRESS Credit Card, please write you Credit Card Number and its expiry date below.

» fixed date loan period = préstamo de período fijo.

Example: This is called a fixed date loan period.

» go out of + date = volverse obsoleto, pasar de moda, caducar.

Example: Information in the humanities does not readily go out of date.

» imprint date = fecha de impresión. [Fecha que en se imprimió una publicación]

Example: If no edition or imprint date can be ascertained, then an attempt is made to provide a date from amongst any other dates given on the work, such as copyright dates, and reprint dates.

» in date order = ordenado por fecha.

Example: The slips for items in stock should be separated from the rest, those for books rearranged in class number order, those for periodicals in date order.

» International Date Line, the = línea internacional de cambio de fecha, la.

Example: The International Date Line is an imaginary line which runs from the North Pole to the South Pole and is 180° away from the Greenwich meridian.

» keep up to + date = mantenerse al día, mantenerse actualizado, mantenerse informado.

Example: This will make it yet more difficult for the information worker and the end user to keep up to date with the full range of data bases.

» move up + a date = adelantar una fecha.

Example: However, the hotel chain has decided to move up the date and provide free internet access to all members two months earlier than planned.

» out of date [out-of-date] = anticuado, desfasado, caducado, desactualizado.

Example: It is for this reason that many special libraries have constructed their own indexing language; they have avoided being tied to a possibly out of date published list.

» purge date = fecha de expurgo. [Fecha límite a partir de la cual se elimina un registro o un documento de una colección]

Example: The deletion is done on the basis of the date on which each record was added to the data base and the purge date in each record.

» reprint date = fecha de reimpresión. [Fecha en que se hizo una reimpresión de una publicación]

Example: If no edition or imprint date can be ascertained, then an attempt is made to provide a date from amongst any other dates given on the work, such as copyright dates, and reprint dates.

» retention date = fecha de retención. [Fecha límite más allá la cual un registro o documento será expurgado]

Example: The default is that a record is deleted when the retention date exceeds the purge date in the record.

» return date = fecha de devolución.

Example: A record would contain reader and book number, return date and a field to take messages such as `reserved'.

» rubber date stamp = sello de caucho.

Example: Not so long ago, books in British Libraries were always issued by a Library Assistant wielding a rubber date stamp and storing cards in trays.

» save + the date = reservar la fecha. [Expressión muy utilizada para anunciarle a una persona sobre un evento que no debe perderse y especialmente usada por las parejas para dar a conocer a sus amistades la fecha de su boda]

Example: Don't miss out on this great sale! Please spread the word and tell your friends to save the date.

» sell-by date = fecha de caducidad, fecha de vencimiento.

Example: The sell-by dates on the egg cartons are just to appease those who want a date on everything.

» starting date = fecha de comienzo.

Example: One of the factors to consider in the selection of a data base is the length of the data base available online, or its starting date.

» stay up to + date = mantenerse al día, mantenerse actualizado, mantenerse informado.

Example: Journalism needs to stay up to date as technology dependence increases.

» to date = hasta ahora, hasta la fecha, hasta hoy, hasta la presente, hasta el presente, hasta la actualidad.

Example: Two major projects in this area have been conducted to date.

» trigger date = fecha de inicio.

Example: After confirmation of the action, the system request a trigger date from the terminal user.

» update [up-date] = actualización, puesta al día, puesta al corriente. [Documento que pone al día el contenido de una publicación periódica]

Example: The National Union Catalog is still published with quarterly updates, and is cumulated annually and quinquennially.

» up to date = actualizado.

Example: Appropriate revision should ensure that the scheme remains up to date.

» up to this date = hasta la fecha, hasta la presente (fecha), hasta el día de hoy, hasta el presente.

Example: Up to this date, women are still fighting hard to be on equal footing with men.

date2 = cita, cita amorosa. 

Example: The article 'A date with progress' explains the benefits to librarians and users of having the publication date of a book added to its Dewey Decimal Classification number.


» blind date = cita con un extraño, cita a ciegas.

Example: The article is entitled 'A marriage made in heaven or a blind date: successful library-faculty partnering in distance education.

» date rape = violación cometida por la persona con quien se ha tenido una cita.

Example: The method is illustrated with reference to a programme devoted to the circumstances that can lead to date rape and alternative actions that can prevent its occurrence.

» first date = primera cita.

Example: What is the protocol these days when it comes to paying the check on a first date (dinner, movie, coffee, etc.)?.

» go (out) on + a date = salir en pareja con, tener una cita, salir con Alguien.

Example: Also, going on a date can be a little less scary if the person has already gotten the seal of approval from someone that you trust.

» on a date = en pareja, como pareja.

Example: When you want to get to know her better, invite her out, but not on a date, not at first.

date3 = dátil. 

Example: This ready-to-eat nutritious food is made by admixing condensed milk with rolled oats, honey, dates, wheat germ, coconuts, and walnuts.


» date palm = datilera, palmera datilera.

Example: Jaggery is a specific type of sugar popular in India, normally manufactured from either sugar cane or date palms.

date4 = fechar, datar. 

Example: The overdues should be printed the same day this function is run so that they are properly dated.


» antedate = preceder.

Example: The human interface antedates the computer interface by millenia.

» date + as far back as + Expresión Temporal = remontarse a, datar de.

Example: Citation indexing originated with 'tables of cases cited', which date at least as far back as 1743.

» date back + centuries = datar de hace siglos, remontarse siglos (atrás), remontarse a hace siglos.

Example: Braiding a horse's mane or tail is a practice that dates back centuries.

» date back to + Expresión Temporal = remontarse a, datar de, originarse en.

Example: The roots of these problems data back to the 60s' with a failure to establish an efficient centralised information system.

» date from + Expresión Temporal = remontarse a, datar de, originarse en.

Example: Lithography as a printing process dates from the 19th century.

» predate = antedatar, anteceder.

Example: The UDC, in its basic structure, predates CC and, as we shall see, it lacks much of this latter scheme's consistency and predictability.

» predate = fijar fecha con antelación.

Example: Orders may be predated by up to 30 days, if desired.

» radiocarbon date = datar por radiocarbono, datar por carbono 14.

Example: One of these contained an inhumation which was radiocarbon dated to the Iron Age.

» update [up-date] = actualizar.

Example: Here entry is made under the original author of an edition that has been revised, enlarged, updated, condensed, and so on by another person.

date5 = quedarse anticuado, dejar de ser actual. 

Example: This again extends the search time but may not be a decisive factor where the stock soon dates, rendering older catalogues largely unused.

date6 = tener una cita, salir en pareja con, salir con Alguien. 

Example: Blood hypothesized that girls were dated because they exhibit such personality characteristics as consideration, cheerfulness, being a good sport, & a sense of humor = Blood formuló la hipótesis de que las chicas tenían citas debido a las características de su personalidad como consideración, alegría, ser una tía apañada y tener sentido del humor.

Date synonyms

see in spanish: ver, pronunciation: si part of speech: verb engagement in spanish: compromiso, pronunciation: engeɪdʒmənt part of speech: noun appointment in spanish: cita, pronunciation: əpɔɪntmənt part of speech: noun escort in spanish: escolta, pronunciation: eskɔrt part of speech: noun, verb go out in spanish: fuera, pronunciation: goʊaʊt part of speech: verb go steady in spanish: vaya constantemente, pronunciation: goʊstedi part of speech: verb date stamp in spanish: sello de la fecha, pronunciation: deɪtstæmp part of speech: verb day of the month in spanish: día del mes, pronunciation: deɪʌvðəmʌnθ part of speech: noun
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