Deaden in spanish


pronunciation: ɑmoʊɹ̩tiguɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

deaden = insensibilizar, aliviar, atenuar. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con el sufijo "-en" añadido a nombres y adjetivos para formar generalmente verbos]

Example: This results in the epidural not reaching all of the nerve endings that should have been deadened by the anesthesia prior to the surgical process.


» deaden + an impact = amortiguar un impacto, absorber un impacto.

Example: There were still very few people living in the area and the marshy ground deadened the impact of explosions.

» deaden + echo = amortiguar el eco.

Example: Sometimes in large rooms some display stands put up around the area to be used will help deaden echoes and create a more intimate atmosphere.

» deaden + the noise = amortiguar el ruido.

Example: They play music loudly all day long, such that I have to keep my doors and windows shut to deaden the noise.

Deaden synonyms

blunt in spanish: embotar, pronunciation: blʌnt part of speech: adjective damp in spanish: húmedo, pronunciation: dæmp part of speech: adjective mute in spanish: mudo, pronunciation: mjut part of speech: adjective girdle in spanish: faja, pronunciation: gɜrdəl part of speech: noun dampen in spanish: humedecer, pronunciation: dæmpən part of speech: verb muffle in spanish: amortiguar, pronunciation: mʌfəl part of speech: verb, noun tone down in spanish: bajar el tono, pronunciation: toʊndaʊn part of speech: verb

Deaden antonyms

animate pronunciation: ænəmət part of speech: verb invigorate pronunciation: ɪnvɪgɜrɪt part of speech: verb enliven pronunciation: enlaɪvən part of speech: verb liven pronunciation: laɪvən part of speech: verb liven up pronunciation: laɪvənʌp part of speech: verb
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