Ebb in spanish


pronunciation: refluxoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

ebb1 = recesión, decadencia. 

Example: The ebb in religious life is explained in terms of the stress experienced by the nation during the period of confederation when it was groping for cohesiveness & some symbol of national unity.


» at a low ebb = en un nivel bajo, en un punto bajo, de capa caída.

Example: The state purchasing scheme for new literature was introduced at a time when imaginative writing was at a low ebb.

» at its lowest ebb = en su punto más bajo, en su nivel más bajo.

Example: The period when factual information makes its strongest appeal and when literary reading is at its lowest ebb is the stage at which most people reading habits stop developing.

» ebb and flow = fluctuación, cambios.

Example: This natural ebb and flow necessarily picks up speed as change accelerates.

» ebb tide = bajamar.

Example: At the Pandora wreck site, tides occur twice daily, and have a stronger ebb tide than flood tide.

» reach + a low ebb = alcanzar niveles mínimos, tocar fondo.

Example: In the 1980s, because of several factors, including Israel's economic recession, immigration from Europe has reached a low ebb.

ebb2 = bajar, retroceder, menguar, disminuir, decaer. 

Example: Subsequently, library development stalled as cultural interaction ebbed from classical levels.


» ebb and flow = fluctuar.

Example: The importance of the practicum in the curriculum has ebbed and flowed tremendously throughout the history of library education.

Ebb synonyms

low in spanish: bajo, pronunciation: loʊ part of speech: adjective wane in spanish: menguar, pronunciation: weɪn part of speech: verb, noun reflux in spanish: reflujo, pronunciation: refləks part of speech: noun ebbing in spanish: menguando, pronunciation: ebɪŋ part of speech: noun

Ebb antonyms

surge pronunciation: sɜrdʒ part of speech: noun tide pronunciation: taɪd part of speech: noun
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