Editorial in spanish


pronunciation: editoʊɹ̩iɑl part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

editorial1 = editorial. [Sección fija de un periódico que refleja la línea de pensamiento del mismo]

Example: Notes, short communications, an article giving a popular treatment and editorials are less likely to carry an abstract.

editorial2 = del editor, editorial. 

Example: Practical application of these ideas, preferably with editorial or tutorial assistance, is the next step after perusing this chapter.


» editorial advisory board = consejo editorial.

Example: Our editorial advisory boards are more than mere window dressing; they're working boards.

» editorial board = consejo editorial.

Example: The editorial board of the journal, which is devoted to the theory and practice of archiving, consists of leading specialists in the field.

» editorial continuity = coherencia editorial.

Example: For the sake of editorial continuity, those speeches which were given at both locations (for example, Mr. Gorman's presentation) are only printed here once.

» editorial policy = política editorial.

Example: DC is an example of a scheme which appears in a new edition at regular intervals (the editorial policy is to publish a new edition every seven years), while LC exemplifies the policy of piecemeal publication.

» editorial team = equipo editorial, consejo editorial.

Example: And it has to be recognized that the very popularity of the scheme will always act as a brake on the most radical editorial team.

Editorial synonyms

column in spanish: columna, pronunciation: kɑləm part of speech: noun newspaper column in spanish: columna de periódico, pronunciation: nuzpeɪpɜrkɑləm part of speech: noun
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