Fairness in spanish


pronunciation: xustiθiɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

fairness = imparcialidad, justicia, ecuanimidad, igualdad de tratamiento. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: That's a federal agency I believe that what they've done in this particular case represents social justice and elementary fairness.


» in (all) fairness = en honor a la verdad.

Example: But in fairness this publicity alone will be discriminatory, and necessarily.

» in (all) fairness = a decir verdad, la verdad sea dicha, en honor a la verdad, francamente, sinceramente, para ser justo, en justicia.

Example: In all fairness, there are very few, if any, Benjamin Franklins in the contemporary American firmament either.

» in fairness to = para hacer justicia.

Example: In fairness to Mr. Kilgour, too, I think he feels strongly that the system itself should not impose rigid requirements.

» unfairness = injusticia. 

Example: However the unfairness of it does not escape my granddaughter who brings the subject up every time we get together for a yack.

Fairness synonyms

equity in spanish: equidad, pronunciation: ekwəti part of speech: noun candor in spanish: candor, pronunciation: kændɜr part of speech: noun candour in spanish: candor, pronunciation: kændɜr part of speech: noun comeliness in spanish: simpatía, pronunciation: kʌmlinəs part of speech: noun loveliness in spanish: hermosura, pronunciation: lʌvlinəs part of speech: noun paleness in spanish: palidez, pronunciation: peɪlnəs part of speech: noun beauteousness in spanish: hermosura, pronunciation: boʊtiuz part of speech: noun blondness in spanish: rubio, pronunciation: blɑndnəs part of speech: noun fair-mindedness in spanish: imparcialidad, pronunciation: fermɪndədnəs part of speech: noun

Fairness antonyms

inequity pronunciation: ɪnekwəti part of speech: noun unfairness pronunciation: ənfernəs part of speech: noun
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