Handmade in spanish

Hecho a mano

pronunciation: etʃoʊɑmɑnoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

hand-made = hecho a mano, fabricado a mano, realizado a mano. 

Example: It was not until the 1820s that the production of machine-made paper exceeded that of hand-made, even in Britain.

Handmade synonyms

hand-crafted in spanish: hecho a mano, pronunciation: hændkræftɪd part of speech: adjective overhand in spanish: por todo lo alto, pronunciation: oʊvɜrhænd part of speech: adjective handwoven in spanish: tejidas a mano, pronunciation: hændwoʊvən part of speech: adjective handsewn in spanish: cosido a mano, pronunciation: hændzɔn part of speech: adjective handstitched in spanish: cosido a mano, pronunciation: hændstɪtʃt part of speech: adjective oversewn in spanish: supervisado, pronunciation: oʊvɜrswə part of speech: adjective camp-made in spanish: hecho en el campamento, pronunciation: kæmpmeɪd part of speech: adjective hand-loomed in spanish: telar a mano, pronunciation: hændlumd part of speech: adjective

Handmade antonyms

machine-made pronunciation: məʃinmeɪd part of speech: adjective
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