Ignite in spanish


pronunciation: enθendeɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

ignite1 = arder, quemar, prender fuego, encender, prender. 

Example: Nitrate film ignites readily, burns fiercely, virtually inextinguishably and with highly toxic fumes.

ignite2 = provocar, hacer estallar. 

Example: In turn, that change ignited a body of literature that discussed those cataloguers' future roles.


» ignite + a debate = provocar un debate.

Example: Paid-for promotions in bookshops have ignited a debate about sales integrity.

» ignite + a war = hacer estallar una guerra, desatar una guerra, causar una guerra, ocasionar una guerra, provocar una guerra.

Example: The article is entitled 'Free MEDLINE ignites vendor wars'.

» ignite + passion = despertar pasión.

Example: Almost as much as the civilian casualties from American bombs and tanks, the destruction of the museum and the library has ignited passions against American troops, for their failure to intervene.

» reignite = reavivar, reanimar. 

Example: The most important feature of the election is that a stable government will reignite growth.

Ignite synonyms

light in spanish: ligero, pronunciation: laɪt part of speech: noun, adjective heat in spanish: calor, pronunciation: hit part of speech: noun erupt in spanish: estallar, pronunciation: ɪrʌpt part of speech: verb inflame in spanish: inflamar, pronunciation: ɪnfleɪm part of speech: verb stir up in spanish: remover, pronunciation: stɜrʌp part of speech: verb fire up in spanish: quémalo, pronunciation: faɪɜrʌp part of speech: verb catch fire in spanish: incendiarse, pronunciation: kætʃfaɪɜr part of speech: verb take fire in spanish: tomar fuego, pronunciation: teɪkfaɪɜr part of speech: verb

Ignite antonyms

obliterate pronunciation: əblɪtɜreɪt part of speech: verb extinguish pronunciation: ɪkstɪŋgwɪʃ part of speech: verb
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