Kid in spanish


pronunciation: ninjoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

kid1 = niño, chico, chaval. 

Example: He said they try to arrange special visits to cultural institutions and attend concerts, and that the kids have an opportunity to speak with people connected with the event afterwards.


» city kid = chico de ciudad.

Example: Drew and Myra both grew up in New York, city kids through and through.

» drop + the kids off at the pool = hacer caca, cagar.

Example: The relationship hasn't progressed to the stage where I can comfortably drop the kids off at the pool with the door open.

» grandkid = nieto.

Example: She went to the dollar store and bought a whole bunch of stickers and junk (hair bobbles etc) to send to her grandkids.

» grown-up kid = niño grande.

Example: Increasingly, more grown-up kids are living at home in their twenties and thirties.

» have + kids = tener niños, tener hijos.

Example: We grow up in our parents' home and share their life and then when we have kids we feel we need to do one better.

» kids' scooter = patinete, patineta.

Example: Kids scooters can also be a great idea to introduce your children to long walks without them falling behind.

» like a kid with a new toy = como un niño con zapatos nuevos, como un niño con un juguete nuevo, como un tonto con un lápiz.

Example: And then there's a scene where he's like a kid with a new toy, jumping from one rooftop to another, making giant leaps, whooping with joy.

» new kid on the block = nuevo vecino del barrio.

Example: The article 'Big superstores: the new kid(s) on the block' examines the future of independent publishers and booksellers in the face of competition from chain superstores.

» whiz(z) kid = prodigio, portento, lince, joven promesa.

Example: As banks collapse and thousands are laid off, former finance industry whizz-kids say they have never looked back after quitting their jobs.

» young kid = niño chico.

Example: Young kids like listening to these shaggy dog stories, but don't usually 'get it', while parents generally groan over the punch lines.

kid2 = chivo, cabritilla, cabrito, choto. 

Example: Each group was divided into two subgroups consisting of 5 she-goats and their 5 kids, one group for behavioural observations while the other group for physiological and health studies.

kid3 = bromear. 

Example: He was not kidding when he said that Caracas could greet travellers with a slap in the face rather than a warm hug.

kid4 = engañar. 

Example: Who on this earth does she think she is kidding?.

Kid synonyms

child in spanish: niño, pronunciation: tʃaɪld part of speech: noun minor in spanish: menor, pronunciation: maɪnɜr part of speech: adjective, noun banter in spanish: broma, pronunciation: bæntɜr part of speech: noun chaff in spanish: paja, pronunciation: tʃæf part of speech: noun fry in spanish: freír, pronunciation: fraɪ part of speech: noun jolly in spanish: alegre, pronunciation: dʒɑli part of speech: adjective, noun youngster in spanish: joven, pronunciation: jʌŋstɜr part of speech: noun tyke in spanish: perro de calle, pronunciation: taɪk part of speech: noun shaver in spanish: maquinilla de afeitar, pronunciation: ʃeɪvɜr part of speech: noun nipper in spanish: chiquillo, pronunciation: nɪpɜr part of speech: noun tike in spanish: Tike, pronunciation: taɪk part of speech: noun nestling in spanish: pajarito en el nido, pronunciation: nestlɪŋ part of speech: noun tiddler in spanish: pececillo, pronunciation: tɪdlɜr part of speech: noun kidskin in spanish: piel de niños, pronunciation: kɪdskɪn part of speech: noun small fry in spanish: frito pequeño, pronunciation: smɔlfraɪ part of speech: noun pull the leg of in spanish: tirar de la pierna de, pronunciation: pʊlðəlegʌv part of speech: verb

Kid antonyms

parent pronunciation: perənt part of speech: noun
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