Kindness in spanish


pronunciation: ɑmɑbilidɑd part of speech: noun
In gestures

kindness = amabilidad, bondad. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: She had counseled kindness and understanding (coupled with a little divination!), and got on with him swimmingly.


» kill + Nombre + with kindness = mimar, agasajar, tratar con bondad, colmar de atenciones, abrumar con atenciones.

Example: But somewhere between killing them with kindness and berating them at boot camps, there must be another way.

» smother + Nombre + with kindness = mimar, agasajar, tratar con bondad, colmar de atenciones, abrumar con atenciones.

Example: Her father is no ogre, but since her mother and sister's died her father has basically smothered her with kindness, not allowing her any freedom.

Kindness synonyms

forgivingness in spanish: perdón, pronunciation: fɔrgɪvɪŋnəs part of speech: noun

Kindness antonyms

unkindness pronunciation: ənɪndnes part of speech: noun
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