Kingdom in spanish


pronunciation: reinoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

kingdom = reino. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: 'Loss of the cultural kingdom' is an article which examines the predicament of public librarians under Germany's National Socialism.


» a kingdom for a kiss = por un gustazo, un trancazo.

Example: These necromancers bestow viceroyalties and principalities upon their adherents and give a kingdom for a kiss, for they are exceedingly amorous.

» animal kingdom, the = reino animal, el.

Example: Gorillas and chimps, two of man's closest relatives in the animal kingdom, will be on the edge of extinction within a decade.

» in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king = en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey.

Example: As the old saying goes, in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

» Kingdom of Aragon = Reino de Aragón.

Example: This article analyses the ozone concentration and its influence on the archives of the Kingdom of Aragon, Barcelona.

» Kingdom of Saudi Arabia = Reino de Arabia Saudí.

Example: Interlibrary cooperation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has improved over the last decade.

» plant kingdom, the = reino vegetal, el.

Example: Bryophytes are sometimes called the 'amphibians of the plant kingdom'.

» United Kingdom, the (UK, the) = Reino Unido, el.

Example: I have I hope given you a feel for the current thinking on university library building in the UK.

Kingdom synonyms

land in spanish: tierra, pronunciation: lænd part of speech: noun realm in spanish: reino, pronunciation: relm part of speech: noun
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