Knowingly in spanish


pronunciation: sɑbiendɑs part of speech: adverb
In gestures

knowingly = conscientemente, deliberadamente, intencionadamente, a sabiendas, con conocimiento de causa, adrede, aposta. 

Example: The ways in which library professionals -- knowingly and unknowingly -- undermine intellectual freedom are discussed = Se analizan las formas en las que los profesionales de las bibliotecas, consciente o inconscientemente, socavan la libertad intelectual.


» unknowingly = inconscientemente, sin darse cuenta, sin percatarse.

Example: The ways in which library professionals -- knowingly and unknowingly -- undermine intellectual freedom are discussed = Se analizan las formas en las que los profesionales de las bibliotecas, consciente o inconscientemente, socavan la libertad intelectual.

Knowingly synonyms

wittingly in spanish: sabiendas, pronunciation: wɪtɪŋli part of speech: adverb

Knowingly antonyms

inadvertently pronunciation: ɪnədvɜrtəntli part of speech: adverb unwittingly pronunciation: ənwɪtɪŋli part of speech: adverb unknowingly pronunciation: ənnoʊɪŋli part of speech: adverb
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