Lambaste in spanish

Criticar severamente

pronunciation: kɹ̩itikɑɹ̩sebeɹ̩ɑmente part of speech: verb
In gestures

lambast [lambaste] = arremeter contra, acusar de, recriminar, reprochar. 

Example: Correctly, the author finds that the realities of antebellum reform are too complex either to laud the reformers' benevolence or to lambast them as fanatics = Acertadamente, el autor considera que las realidades de la reforma que se hizo antes de la guerra son demasiado complejas ya sean para alabar la benevolencia de los reformadores o para acusarlos de fanáticos.

Lambaste synonyms

check in spanish: comprobar, pronunciation: tʃek part of speech: verb, noun rebuke in spanish: reprensión, pronunciation: ribjuk part of speech: noun, verb reprimand in spanish: reprimenda, pronunciation: reprəmænd part of speech: noun, verb chide in spanish: reprendo, pronunciation: tʃaɪd part of speech: verb rag in spanish: trapo, pronunciation: ræg part of speech: noun scold in spanish: regaño, pronunciation: skoʊld part of speech: verb berate in spanish: regañarse, pronunciation: bɪreɪt part of speech: verb cane in spanish: caña, pronunciation: keɪn part of speech: noun lecture in spanish: conferencia, pronunciation: lektʃɜr part of speech: noun jaw in spanish: mandíbula, pronunciation: dʒɔ part of speech: noun lambast in spanish: lambast, pronunciation: læmbæst part of speech: verb remonstrate in spanish: protestar, pronunciation: rimɑnstreɪt part of speech: verb flog in spanish: azotar, pronunciation: flɑg part of speech: verb reproof in spanish: reprensión, pronunciation: rɪpruf part of speech: noun dress down in spanish: reprender, pronunciation: dresdaʊn part of speech: verb chew out in spanish: masticar, pronunciation: tʃuaʊt part of speech: verb bawl out in spanish: gritar a cabo, pronunciation: bɔlaʊt part of speech: verb chew up in spanish: masticar, pronunciation: tʃuʌp part of speech: verb have words in spanish: tener palabras, pronunciation: hævwɜrdz part of speech: verb
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