Land in spanish


pronunciation: tierɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

land1 = tierra, terreno. 

Example: Until recently all libraries and some architects have maintained that an academic library should be capable of extension and that land should be reserved for future expansion.


» across the land = de todo el país.

Example: In 1893 when the nation was deep in one of its worst financial crises, librarians across the land were emphasizing the public library's role as a conservator of order.

» agricultural land = terreno agrícola, terreno cultivable.

Example: Marsh marigolds are in decline as agricultural land continues to be drained, but they are still the most three-dimensional of plants.

» appropriate + land = apropiarse tierras, apropiarse terrenos.

Example: This failure was to be expected, for Petrodar had not changed the old habits of appropriating land without paying compensation during the war years.

» arable land = tierra cultivable.

Example: Human population in the world continues to grow, but arable land is limited especially in less developed countries.

» barren land = tierra baldía.

Example: By 1948, a short 26 years after the first tree planting, most of the barren lands had been reforested with healthy pine and spruce plantations.

» be in cloud cuckoo land = estar en Babia, estar en la luna de Valencia, vivir en las nubes, estar en la inopia, vivir en otro mundo.

Example: There are always those, who, if they cannot see any immediate relationship between what is being taught and the present state of practice, declare that the schools of librarianship are 'in cloud cuckoo land' or some other improbable location.

» bogland = ciénaga, humedal, zona pantanosa.

Example: It is estimated that 50 acres of gorseland and bogland were destroyed in the fire.

» clear + land = limpiar el terreno de árboles.

Example: When you tote up the carbon emissions caused by clearing land to grow corn, fertilizing it and transporting it, corn ethanol leaves twice the carbon footprint as gasoline.

» communal land = tierra comunal, ejido.

Example: The land reform was supposed to redistribute land from predominantly white-owned commercial farms to much poorer black farmers who toiled on communal lands.

» community land = terreno comunitario.

Example: Land use in the area is a mix of private farms, traditional pastoralism, community lands, and public game reserves.

» community land trust = fideicomiso de propiedades comunitarias.

Example: A community land trust is a nonprofit organization created to hold land for the benefit of a community and individuals within the community.

» cultivate + the land = cultivar la tierra.

Example: Some time later Mr. Richards expressed an interest in cultivating the land but stated he did not have the requisite finance.

» dry land [dryland] = tierra, tierra firme.

Example: This article describes a knowledge based geographic information system for the broad scale mapping of dryland salinity in the Western Australian wheatbelt.

» exotic land = tierra exótica.

Example: The cultural stories of this exotic land made him feel more at home than the newspaper headlines he was printing.

» fallow land = tierra en barbecho.

Example: Tests were conducted on stubble and fallow land on three soil types.

» farmland [farm land] = tierra de labranza, tierra de cultivo.

Example: Alternative uses for farmland include conversion to golf courses, dry ski slopes, hotels, film locations, animal sanctuaries, and campsites.

» farm + the land = cultivar la tierra.

Example: They have been farming this land since time out of mind.

» far off land = tierra lejana.

Example: The mementoes from far off lands in drawing rooms and museums constitute another imaginary land in which the idea of foreign cultures is shaped.

» fatherland = patria, madre patria, tierra natal, terruño, país natal.

Example: Hitler referred to Germany as the fatherland because that's where his father came from -- his mother was Austrian.

» fertile land = tierra fértil, tierra feraz, caldo de cultivo.

Example: Among the seemingly barren mountains there is fertile land.

» foreign land = tierra extranjera.

Example: Besides this was the first time she was travelling abroad and the prospect of seeing a foreign land seemed to fill her up with joy.

» gorseland = tojal.

Example: It is estimated that 50 acres of gorseland and bogland were destroyed in the fire.

» grassland = pradera, pastizales, pastos.

Example: The article is entitled 'Satellite-based monitoring of grassland curing in Victoria, Australia'.

» Greenland = Groenlandia.

Example: This paper describes the functions and services provided by the National Library of Greenland = Este artículo describe las funciones y servicios ofrecidos por la Biblioteca Nacional de Groenlandia.

» headland = cabo.

Example: The shore is sandy and clayish, without any headlands, bays, or islands.

» heathland = brezal, páramo, monte raso.

Example: In marked contrast the tiny pockets of heathland in Europe are extremely depauperate with a flora comprised primarily of heather.

» highland = región montañosa, tierras altas.

Example: This bibliographic survey is now being expanded to include all the highland provinces.

» Holy Land, the = Tierra Santa.

Example: This is a massive project involving an 80 volume set containing 16 complete Bibles and including full colour electronic maps of the Holy Land.

» homeland = patria, madre patria, tierra natal, terruño.

Example: A great number of these publications were significantly influenced by the political scene in their respective homelands.

» homeland = homeland. [En Sud †frica, término utilizado para referirse a una región dentro del país donde vive la región de raza negra]

Example: During the late 70s and early 80s national library services were established in South Africa's 10 homelands as a by-product of the apartheid policy.

» inland = fluvial.

Example: Near the hotel is the entrance to Mljet National Park with lush vegetation surrounding three inland lakes.

» inland = interior, del interior.

Example: However, diaries and photos also show the efforts of all expedition members to fulfil Wegener's plans for a meteorological and glaciological profile of Greenland's entire inland ice cap.

» in the land of = en la tierra de, en la zona de.

Example: Voris University is located on three campuses at Hackley, a modern industrial city in the land of the buttes and the sagebrush plains.

» in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king = en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey.

Example: Another less talked about reason for the strength in the dollar right now is as the old saying goes 'In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king'.

» Land ahoy! = ¡Tierra a la vista!.

Example: While they were talking a voice from the crow's nest called, 'Land ahoy!' and in a moment the ship was all life.

» land area = territorio, terreno.

Example: Over 17% of Botswana's land area has been set-aside as national parks and game reserves.

» land-bound [landbound] = confinado a la tierra, rodeado de tierra, sin salida al mar, sin litoral, sin costas.

Example: Ultimately, this film is just a land-bound rerun of Jaws, down to the sacrifice of the grizzled, expert hunter so the younger, more clean-cut, family man can face his own fears and prove his prowess.

» land-clearing = tala de bosques, roturación de bosques, preparación del terreno eliminando todo tipo de obstáculos.

Example: The 37 relief projects involved the building of aerodrome, landing fields, barracks, a training camp, and a land-clearing project.

» land degradation = degradación del suelo.

Example: In fact, it is believed that land degradation contributed to, if not caused, the decline of some of the world's great civilizations, including those in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, North Africa, and China.

» landfill = vertedero, vertedero de escombros, vertedero de basura. [Especialmente grandes huecos productos de excavaciones que una vez rellenos se cubren de tierra para volverlos a su estado natural]

Example: Republicans are so empty-headed, they wouldn't make a good landfill.

» land grant [land-grant] = con terrenos cedidos por el gobierno. [En los Estados Unidos, se aplica a aquellas instituciones que han recibido subvenciones del gobierno federal para comprar los terrenos donde están ubicadas]

Example: Several new library instructions programs emerged in the 1920s in order to serve the practical and technical curricula in land-grant institutions.

» Land ho! = ¡Tierra a la vista!.

Example: It was our morning watch; when, soon after the day began to break, a man on the forecastle called out, 'Land ho!'.

» land invasion = invasión territorial, invasión por tierra.

Example: Only the threat of a nuclear strike would deter any other large nation from military land invasion of the United Kingdom.

» landlady = casera, dueña, propietaria.

Example: It is great to see that the number of landladies is steadily increasing as more and more women realise the investment opportunities offered by residential property.

» landless = sin tierras, sin propiedad rural. 

Example: While the new technology increased food production, it also caused wealthy farmers to benefit more than the landless.

» land-locked [landlocked] = rodeado de tierra, sin salida al mar, sin litoral, sin costas.

Example: Because Zambia is land-locked, book acquisition is difficult.

» landlord = casero, dueño, propietario.

Example: This library serves a population displaying all the familiar features of low income, family social and financial crises, juvenile delinquency, and landlord/tenant problems.

» land management = gestión de tierras, gestión de terrenos, gestión de fincas.

Example: This learning resources center collects print and non-print materials emphasizing aspects of land and water management.

» landmark = hito, símbolo, punto de referencia.

Example: Three books were eventually to appear that were landmarks in the field.

» landmark = hito, mojón, monumento histórico.

Example: Other terrain features and notable landmarks on the field have remained virtually unchanged since the battle.

» land mass [landmass] = tierra firme, continente. [Generalmente usado como opuesto a las islas]

Example: A distinctive new civilization developed in the European peninsula of the Eurasian land mass in the course of the millennium that followed.

» land mine = mina terrestre.

Example: The children were involved in manual labour, guard duty, front-line fighting, bomb manufacture, setting sea/land mines & radio & communication.

» land misuse = desaprovechamiento de la tierra.

Example: Environment Abstracts compiles, summarises, and indexes contribution on such topics as air, water, and soil pollution, toxicology, land use and misuse, waste management, weather modification, and endangered species.

» land of contrasts = tierra de contrastes.

Example: From snowcapped mountains to the rainforest, Bolivia is a land of contrasts.

» land of cream and honey, the = tierra prometida, la; paraíso terrenal, el.

Example: The article 'Affiliated membership -- land of cream and honey' describes what has been done towards recognition of technical staff in libraries by the LA.

» Land of Israel, the = Tierra de Israel, la.

Example: Judea and Samaria, located west of the Jordan River, with Jerusalem approximately in the center, are historical parts of the Land of Israel.

» land of make-believe, the = mundo de la fantasía, el.

Example: They have created a land of make-believe that's worse than regular life.

» land of milk and honey, the = tierra prometida, la; paraíso terrenal, el.

Example: Ireland has been described by many poets and story-tellers as the land of milk and honey.

» land of the dead, the = más allá, el; otro mundo, el; ultratumba.

Example: Having journeyed to the ends of the earth and the land of the dead, Heracles could therefore suggest closing down the Eleusian mysteries.

» land of the living, the = vivito y coleando, vivo, entre los vivos.

Example: This is a review article on a book by Stephen M. Borish 'The Land of the Living'.

» Land of the Rising Sun, the = tierra del sol naciente, la. [Nombre que también se usa para referirse a Japón]

Example: Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun, is the place of ancient gods and sublime art, but it is also on the cutting edge of dizzying modernity.

» landowner = terrateniente, hacendado, propietario, latifundista. 

Example: In rural areas, too, great variations in wealth exist side by side, from affluent farmers and landowners on the one hand, to extremely low-paid farm workers on the other.

» land reclamation = recuperación de tierras, reclamación de tierras. [Actividades realizadas para ganar terreno al mar, ríos, desiertos, etc]

Example: There is no agricultural project without prospection for groundwater necessary for land reclamation, particularly in the desert areas far from river courses.

» land registry = registro catastral, catastro.

Example: The research is part of a larger ongoing project for the automated processing of land registry documents.

» land registry office = registro catastral, catastro.

Example: The register of landed property is excluded to a large degree because it can be consulted at the land registry office.

» land seizure = expropiación de tierras, confiscación de tierras.

Example: He said his organization tried to assist with the land seizures but that disunity among the villagers halted the effort.

» landslide = desprendimiento de tierra, corrimiento de tierra, alud.

Example: Flooding, fire, earthquake, collapsed buildings and landslides are the most frequent kinds of disasters to hit libraries: nearly all will lead to wet books.

» land surveying = topografía.

Example: Land surveying is a very interesting and fascinating subject area and is one of the world's oldest professions.

» land surveyor = agrimensor, topógrafo.

Example: Most of the members of book clubs were land surveyors.

» land transport = transporte por tierra.

Example: Similarly, if we substitute 'mass media' for 'television' or 'transport' instead of 'land transport' specificity is lost.

» land use = aprovechamiento de la tierra, uso de la tierra.

Example: Environment Abstracts compiles, summarises, and indexes contribution on such topics as air, water, and soil pollution, toxicology, land use and misuse, waste management, weather modification, and endangered species.

» live in + cloud cuckoo land = estar en Babia, estar en la luna de Valencia, vivir en las nubes, estar en la inopia, vivir en otro mundo.

Example: He argued that those who believe the status quo is the best way forward for sustainable development were living in cloud cuckoo land.

» live off + the fat of the land = vivir de las rentas, vivir del cuento, vivir acomodadamente, vivir sin dar golpe.

Example: Unless more of us refuse to be content to coast along, living off the fat of the land and leaving others to pay the tab, there is no guarantee that America will be a better place for our children than it was for us.

» live off + the land = vivir del campo, vivir de la tierra.

Example: His family lived off of the land -- every summer his mother canned vegetables, fruits, jams, sauces, and meats for the winter.

» lost lands = tierras perdidas.

Example: Heroic fantasy set in lost lands, often featuring dinosaurs, continues to thrive = La fantasía heróica ambientada en tierras perdidas, en los que a menudo aparecen dinosaurios, continúan prosperando.

» lowlands = tierras bajas, vega. [Las zonas de menor altura de un país montañoso]

Example: They took part in many small-scale but often bitterly fought operations across the coastal lowlands.

» meadowland = pradera.

Example: Then a weak sun threw its rays over the rain and an enormous rainbow came out in the middle of the meadowland.

» moorland = páramo, tierra baldía, brezal, estepa.

Example: Most of the islands are low lying, with a soft, rolling landscape of fields and heather moorland, always fringed by the sea.

» motherland = patria, madre patria, tierra natal, terruño, país natal.

Example: When the Second World War broke out, my motherland was arduously fighting against Japanese imperialism.

» motor land vehicle = vehículo de tierra a motor.

Example: Other branches of engineering include: 629.1 Aerospace engineering, .2 motor land vehicles and cycles, .3 Air-cushion vehicles (Hovercraft), and .4 Astronautics.

» native land = patria, madre patria, tierra natal, terruño.

Example: En route to England after the funeral for her husband, she had plans to scatter his ashes in his native land.

» no man is a prophet in his own land = nadie es profeta en su tierra.

Example: And his life confirms the famous old saw: No man is a prophet in his own land.

» no-man's land = tierra de nadie.

Example: We stand squarely in a no-man's land between a rough technology and a vague science.

» on dry land = en tierra firme.

Example: In other words, Elian's real shipwreck was not on the open sea, but when he stepped on dry land in the United States.

» parkland = zona verde, parque.

Example: There are over 200 animals at Dartmoor Zoological Park: from tiny stick insects to brown bears or lions all set in over 30 acres of beautiful parkland.

» pasture land = pradera, tierra de pastos, tierra de pastoreo.

Example: The informality of the modern library provides one of the richest pasture lands of all for breeding reading people = La informalidad de la biblioteca moderna ofrece una de las tierras de pasto más ricas de todas para producir gente lectora.

» piece of land = parcela de terreno, terreno, parcela.

Example: So it is important that every piece of land is divided by a boundary to show the demarcation.

» plot of land = parcela de terreno, terreno, parcela.

Example: The core of readers and borrowers of agricultural literature are pensioners wanting to improving cultivation of their small private plots of land.

» promised land, the = tierra prometida, la.

Example: The article is entitled 'Into the promised land: some notes on the new Birmingham Central Library'.

» rangeland = gran extensión de tierra dedicada a la cría de animales de pasto.

Example: This article discusses research conducted with wool producers in semi-arid rangelands in Australia.

» scrubland = monte bajo.

Example: Scrubland is one of the three major types of vegetation in Hong Kong.

» shrubland = monte bajo.

Example: Fynbos is the natural shrubland vegetation occurring in a small belt of the Western Cape of South Africa.

» the land of opportunity = la tierra de las oportunidades.

Example: It seems that America is the land of opportunity to milk the system.

» the land of plenty = la tierra de la abundancia.

Example: The US is the land of plenty and one of the world's richest countries, but it has a serious and growing problem of homelessness.

» the law of the land = leyes vigentes, leyes.

Example: The article is entitled 'Book selection, racism and the law of the land'.

» the lay of the land [the lie of the land, -UK] = el estado de las cosas.

Example: The director allowed us three days to get the lay of the land.

» till + the land = labrar la tierra, arar la tierra.

Example: Is it possible to produce food grains and vegetables by just spreading seeds without tilling the land and sowing the seeds in a cultivated land?.

» timberland = bosque maderero, bosque maderable, terreno maderero, terreno maderable.

Example: In the south central United States more than 22 million acres of timberland are now poorly stocked.

» tract of land = extensión de terreno.

Example: I owned extensive tracts of land in the rural regions of Galilee, where I maintained and augmented the fortune of my long-established lineage.

» uncultivated land = tierra sin cultivar, erial, eriazo.

Example: Decades of intensive irrigation have produced shallow water tables under not only cultivated fields but also the nearby uncultivated land.

» vacant land = terrenos sin construir, parcela sin construir, solar.

Example: A survey of vacant land in urban areas of England is one of the many practical applications of geographic information systems (GIS).

» wasteland = páramo, yermo, tierra baldía, erial, eriazo, descampado.

Example: Eliot somehow suggests that a mix of blood and electricity might yet redeem the petty materialism of the modern world that he had previously seen only as a wasteland.

» waste piece of land = descampado, erial, eriazo.

Example: Just outside the town lies a waste piece of land now used as a drying ground for linen and as a playground by the small fry of the neighbourhood.

» wetland = humedal, marisma, zona húmeda.

Example: The library will be open to the public and will cover all subjects concerning the various aspects of lakes, streams, rivers, estuaries and wetlands.

» wildland = paraje natural, zona sin cultivar.

Example: This guide discusses preparedness and procedures for wildland fires, power outages, lightning, earthquakes, tidal waves, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and cold and heat waves.

» wonderland = país de las maravillas.

Example: The article is entitled 'Beyond the looking glass: cracking the codes and conventions of wonderland'.

» woodland = bosque, monte.

Example: A subsequent owner cut down most of the surrounding woodland and the garden was largely lost.

land2 = terrestre, territorial. 

Example: This program introduces the young computer players to the world of the grizzly bear, the largest land carnivore in North America.


» land animal = animal terrestre.

Example: The giraffe is the tallest land animal, growing to be up to 19 feet (6 m) tall.

» land division = división territorial.

Example: In Ireland there are a number of land divisions that were used for administration by government, churches and landowners.

» land freight = flete terrestre, transporte terrestre.

Example: Land freight is the best way to ship goods over short to medium distances.

» landline [land line] = teléfono fijo.

Example: A landline is also used to increase the security of communications, as it cannot be intercepted by a receiver without physical access to the line.

» land plant = planta terrestre.

Example: Global warming may have been the cause of the wipeout of an estimated 70 percent of land plants and animals, along with 84 percent of ocean organisms, during the Permian.

» land reform = reforma agraria.

Example: The land reform was supposed to redistribute land from predominantly white-owned commercial farms to much poorer black farmers who toiled on communal lands.

» landslip = desprendimiento de tierra, corrimiento de tierra, alud.

Example: The victims included men, women and children and they were either washed away in floods or buried in landslips.

» marshland = zona pantanosa, pantanal, cenegal, ciénaga, marisma.

Example: Around 85 per cent of the Mesopotamian marshlands have been lost mainly as a result of drainage and damming.

» peatland = turbera.

Example: Damming the canals will stop the peatland from drying out and releasing huge amounts of carbon dioxide.

» public land = terreno público.

Example: Mass squat on public lands began with the gold rush and continued with ranchers and dairymen, fishermen, horticulturalists, oil prospectors, etc.

land3 = aterrizar, tocar tierra, desembarcar, amerizar, amarar, amarizar. 

Example: The author examines a number of CD-ROM software products which turn a personal computer into a planetarium and generate the illusion that a user is flying a spaceship or landing on a planet.


» crash-land = aterrizar de emergencia, hacer una aterrizaje de emergencia, realizar un aterrizaje de emergencia.

Example: A bomber plane was a total wreck when it crash-landed today returning from a test flight = Un bombardero quedó siniestro total al realizar un atterrizaje de emergencia hoy cuando volvía de un vuelo de pruebas.

» land in = acabar en, aterrizar en.

Example: Most of the librarians interviewed admitted that they landed in the profession by accident.

» land + Nombre + a blow = asestar un golpe.

Example: Although he'd just landed her a body blow, she again recovered her poise almost miraculously.

» land on + Posesivo + (own two) feet = caer de pie, salir todo bien, salir todo redondo, aparecérsele la virgen a Alguien.

Example: He thought he had landed on his feet when he got a job at a large and prestigious firm, but he soon discovered there was more to the job than he imagined.

» land on + the moon = alunizar, aterrizar en la luna.

Example: Based on those studies, the probability of landing on the moon and returning safely to earth never dropped below 90%.

land4 = conseguir. 

Example: For example, Mile High Comics has served libraries in the past and is eager to land more library customers.


» land + a contract = conseguir un contrato.

Example: As one of the top players in the country, he will have the chance to play in front of many soccer scouts in hopes of landing a contract outside of the USA.

» land + a fish = pescar, pescar un pez.

Example: A man has survived for hours in cold, shark-infested waters after being dragged out of his boat as he struggled to land a large fish.

» land + a job = conseguir un trabajo.

Example: A significant number of library school graduates are landing jobs in nontraditional areas.

» land + Alguien + with + Nombre = endosar Algo a Alguien, endilgar Algo a Alguien, encasquetar Algo a Alguien, deshacerse de.

Example: Scotland's local government reorganisation landed her with a regional and district pattern different from the rest of the UK.

» land + an interview = conseguir una entrevista.

Example: Some pounded the pavement handing out résumés until they landed an interview.

» land up with = acabar teniendo.

Example: This way you do not get into a fix and land up with a debt which you do not have the capacity to pay back.

Land synonyms

down in spanish: abajo, pronunciation: daʊn part of speech: adverb state in spanish: estado, pronunciation: steɪt part of speech: noun ground in spanish: suelo, pronunciation: graʊnd part of speech: noun bring in spanish: traer, pronunciation: brɪŋ part of speech: verb earth in spanish: tierra, pronunciation: ɜrθ part of speech: noun estate in spanish: inmuebles, pronunciation: ɪsteɪt part of speech: noun domain in spanish: dominio, pronunciation: doʊmeɪn part of speech: noun country in spanish: país, pronunciation: kʌntri part of speech: noun realm in spanish: reino, pronunciation: relm part of speech: noun soil in spanish: suelo, pronunciation: sɔɪl part of speech: noun nation in spanish: nación, pronunciation: neɪʃən part of speech: noun kingdom in spanish: Reino, pronunciation: kɪŋdəm part of speech: noun shore in spanish: apuntalar, pronunciation: ʃɔr part of speech: noun demesne in spanish: heredad, pronunciation: dɪmesn part of speech: noun terrestrial in spanish: terrestre, pronunciation: tɜrestriəl part of speech: adjective put down in spanish: suelte, pronunciation: pʊtdaʊn part of speech: verb farming in spanish: agricultura, pronunciation: fɑrmɪŋ part of speech: noun commonwealth in spanish: mancomunidad, pronunciation: kɑmənwelθ part of speech: noun nationality in spanish: nacionalidad, pronunciation: næʃənæləti part of speech: noun acres in spanish: hectáreas, pronunciation: eɪkɜrz part of speech: noun body politic in spanish: cuerpo político, pronunciation: bɑdipɑlətɪk part of speech: noun terra firma in spanish: tierra firme, pronunciation: terəfɜrmə part of speech: noun bring down in spanish: reducir, pronunciation: brɪŋdaʊn part of speech: verb set down in spanish: establecer, pronunciation: setdaʊn part of speech: verb shoot down in spanish: derribar, pronunciation: ʃutdaʊn part of speech: verb res publica in spanish: res publica, pronunciation: reɪzpəblɪkə part of speech: noun dry land in spanish: tierra seca, pronunciation: draɪlænd part of speech: noun landed estate in spanish: estado de tierra, pronunciation: lændədɪsteɪt part of speech: noun solid ground in spanish: tierra sólida, pronunciation: sɑlədgraʊnd part of speech: noun set ashore in spanish: establecer en tierra, pronunciation: setəʃɔr part of speech: verb a people in spanish: una personas, pronunciation: əpipəl part of speech: noun
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