Landmark in spanish

Punto de referencia

pronunciation: puntoʊderefeɹ̩enθiɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

landmark1 = hito, mojón, monumento histórico. 

Example: Other terrain features and notable landmarks on the field have remained virtually unchanged since the battle.


» historical landmark = monumento histórico.

Example: In this self-guided tour project, students are assigned to visit and describe local historical landmarks.

» historic landmark = monumento histórico.

Example: This is a privately funded civic group involved in the restoration and preservation of the city's old town and historic landmarks.

landmark2 = hito, símbolo, punto de referencia. 

Example: Three books were eventually to appear that were landmarks in the field.


» historical landmark = hito histórico.

Example: The major historical landmarks of the problem are reviewed briefly.

» landmark agreement = acuerdo histórico.

Example: Myanmar and the United Nations Office have signed a landmark agreement to tackle crime and drug problems.

landmark3 = que sienta precedente, transcendental, que marca época. 

Example: This landmark legal settlement comes at a time when there is already an intense shortage of bedside nurses throughout the country.

Landmark synonyms

turning point in spanish: punto de retorno, pronunciation: tɜrnɪŋpɔɪnt part of speech: noun
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