Landed in spanish


pronunciation: ɑteriθɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

land3 = aterrizar, tocar tierra, desembarcar, amerizar, amarar, amarizar. 

Example: The author examines a number of CD-ROM software products which turn a personal computer into a planetarium and generate the illusion that a user is flying a spaceship or landing on a planet.


» crash-land = aterrizar de emergencia, hacer una aterrizaje de emergencia, realizar un aterrizaje de emergencia.

Example: A bomber plane was a total wreck when it crash-landed today returning from a test flight = Un bombardero quedó siniestro total al realizar un atterrizaje de emergencia hoy cuando volvía de un vuelo de pruebas.

» land in = acabar en, aterrizar en.

Example: Most of the librarians interviewed admitted that they landed in the profession by accident.

» land + Nombre + a blow = asestar un golpe.

Example: Although he'd just landed her a body blow, she again recovered her poise almost miraculously.

» land on + Posesivo + (own two) feet = caer de pie, salir todo bien, salir todo redondo, aparecérsele la virgen a Alguien.

Example: He thought he had landed on his feet when he got a job at a large and prestigious firm, but he soon discovered there was more to the job than he imagined.

» land on + the moon = alunizar, aterrizar en la luna.

Example: Based on those studies, the probability of landing on the moon and returning safely to earth never dropped below 90%.

land4 = conseguir. 

Example: For example, Mile High Comics has served libraries in the past and is eager to land more library customers.


» land + a contract = conseguir un contrato.

Example: As one of the top players in the country, he will have the chance to play in front of many soccer scouts in hopes of landing a contract outside of the USA.

» land + a fish = pescar, pescar un pez.

Example: A man has survived for hours in cold, shark-infested waters after being dragged out of his boat as he struggled to land a large fish.

» land + a job = conseguir un trabajo.

Example: A significant number of library school graduates are landing jobs in nontraditional areas.

» land + Alguien + with + Nombre = endosar Algo a Alguien, endilgar Algo a Alguien, encasquetar Algo a Alguien, deshacerse de.

Example: Scotland's local government reorganisation landed her with a regional and district pattern different from the rest of the UK.

» land + an interview = conseguir una entrevista.

Example: Some pounded the pavement handing out résumés until they landed an interview.

» land up with = acabar teniendo.

Example: This way you do not get into a fix and land up with a debt which you do not have the capacity to pay back.



» landed aristocracy, the = aristocracia rural, la; terratenientes, los; aristocracia terrateniente, la.

Example: In 1949 books which had formerly belonged to the landed aristocracy became the property of the state.

» landed estate = terrenos, tierras, bienes raíces.

Example: An estate archive may be defined as an accumulation of records relating to the acquisition and management of a landed estate.

» landed gentry, the = aristocracia terrateniente, la; aristocracia rural, la; terratenientes, los.

Example: This family was not part of the aristocracy nor did its members belong to the landed gentry, which is what makes their collection of books so fascinating: their owners were not intellectuals but modest provincials.

» landed property = bienes raíces, bienes immuebles.

Example: The register of landed property is excluded to a large degree because it can be consulted at the land registry office.

Landed antonyms

landless pronunciation: lændləs part of speech: adjective
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