Navy in spanish


pronunciation: ɑɹ̩mɑdɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

Navy, the = Marina, la; Armada, la. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: Some of the information supplied by a library is directed towards solving pragmatic problems of everyday living such as 'What ca I do about an abandoned car outside my front door?', 'I want to buy my son out of the Navy', 'My friend has just taken an overdose'.


» discharge from + the Navy = dar de baja de la marina, dar de baja de la armada.

Example: He was discharged from the Navy earlier this year for testing positive for cocaine use.

» merchant navy, the = marina mercante, la.

Example: By the mid-1970s, layoffs in the merchant navy put large numbers of Somalis on welfare.

» navy base = base naval.

Example: The navy was put on high alert after 4 or 5 suspicious men carrying arms and suspected to be terrorists were spotted near the navy base.

» navy-blue = azul marino.

Example: He was wearing a pair of navy-blue swimming trunks many sizes too large but they had a drawstring, so that didn't matter.

» Navy Corps = Cuerpo de Marina.

Example: Nonmilitary personnel in libraries maintained by the Department of Defense, such as those operated by the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, are civil service appointments.

» navy warship = barco de guerra de la armada, navío de guerra de la armada, buque de guerra de la armada, acorazado de la armada.

Example: A South Korean navy warship that sank in March was torpedoed by a North Korean submarine near the country's maritime border.

» Royal Navy = Marina de Guerra.

Example: Topics covered at the Conference included: records of shipbuilding and shipping companies; agreements and crew lists; whaling; and Royal Navy and Merchant Marine.

Navy synonyms

navy blue in spanish: azul marino, pronunciation: neɪviblu part of speech: noun dark blue in spanish: azul oscuro, pronunciation: dɑrkblu part of speech: noun naval forces in spanish: Fuerzas navales, pronunciation: neɪvəlfɔrsɪz part of speech: noun
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