Nearer in spanish

Más cerca

pronunciation: mɑsθeɹ̩kɑ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

near [nearer -comp., nearest -sup.]1 = cerca, cerca de, cercano. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: He was a loner himself, a small-town country boy who spent most of his time wandering about the hills and fields near his home.


» be nowhere near = estar muy lejos de, estar bien lejos de, no acercarse lo más mínimo a, ni siquiera estar cerca de, distar mucho de ser.

Example: Alimony and child support is entirely up to the discretion of the judge and is nowhere near an equitable 50-50 split as mandated by community property laws.

» come + near = acercarse, aproximarse.

Example: Of course, faeries being faeries, they are particularly good at vanishing from view whenever anyone comes near.

» draw + near = acercarse, aproximarse.

Example: A new campaign urging the public to vote only for candidates who will oppose abortion in the forthcoming election is gathering speed as the date of the vote draws near.

» FID/NANE (FID Regional organization for North Africa and the Near East) = FID/NANE (Organización regional de la FID para el Norte de †frica y el Cercano Oriente).

Example: The FID Regional organization for North Africa and the Near East (FID/NANE) was established to help libraries and information centres in 21 Arab countries, Mali, Chad and Niger to develop information systems and services in the region.

» get + anywhere near = acercarse a.

Example: Am I getting anywhere near your question concerning the problem of displaying or sequencing?.

» in the near future = en un futuro próximo, en un futuro cercano, en un futuro no muy lejano, en un futuro más o menos cercano, en un futuro más o menos lejano, en un período más o menos cercano, en un período más o menos lejano.

Example: In the same context, let me put before you an issue which I think you will be hearing a good deal about in the near future.

» in the very near future = en un futuro muy cercano.

Example: He will explore the challenges that face us in the very near future.

» Posesivo + near and dear ones = Posesivo + seres queridos.

Example: Christmas is the time to be merry and it definitely gives us many reasons to celebrate with all our near and dear ones.

» near at hand = cerca, cercano.

Example: The firm does not have to be near at hand, but there must be plenty of cooperation and consultation as to selection of stock.

» nearby [near-by] = cercano, cerca, a mano, por aquí, por allí.

Example: An earlier leakage had prompted library staff to make arrangements with a nearby firm of book conservation specialists in the event of a further disaster.

» near-contemporary = casi contemporáneo.

Example: The finest and most influential of these French italics were the work of Robert Granjon, an artist of the stature of his countryman and near-contemporary Garamont and one of the greatest all-round type designers of any period.

» near-death = cercano a la muerte, entre la vida y la muerte.

Example: After a near-death moment, people recall bright lights or seeing dead relatives.

» Near East = Oriente Próximo, Cercano Oriente.

Example: Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) continue to use the name Near East rather than Middle East.

» Near-Eastern = del Oriente Próximo, del Cercano Oriente.

Example: The hebrew, Arabic, and other Near-Eastern alphabets cut as type during the hand-press period for works of biblical exegesis were narrowly confined to specialist printers.

» near-extinct = casi extinto.

Example: The lamprey, which evolved some 250 million years ago, belongs to a near-extinct family of jawless fishes.

» near-fatal = casi fatal, casi mortal.

Example: Much of the verve and shimmer of her lyrics can be connected to the near-fatal liver abscess she suffered in 1996.

» near-frantic = casi fanático.

Example: The shock of Sputnik precipitated a near-frantic concern about our technological complacency, sending the country into a crash program of science education and space exploration in order to regain a lost prestige.

» near future, the = futuro inmediato, el; futuro cercano, el.

Example: This article lists the measures proposed for the near future by the International Centre of Scientific and Technical Information.

» near-illiterate = casi analfabeto.

Example: A borrowing of a non-fiction book could be the autobiography of a near-illiterate footballer ghosted by a hack journalist.

» near-monopoly = cuasimonopolio.

Example: The award of a charter, the establishment of an examination system, and a register of the qualified, rapidly created a 'near-monopoly in training' in the years between 1885 and 1909.

» near-neutral = casi neutro.

Example: If the spot stays yellow the paper is decidedly acid; an in-between colour (green, grey, grey-green, yellow-green) indicates mild acidity; while if the spot goes purple, the paper is near-neutral or alkaline.

» near-perfection = casi la perfección.

Example: We have reached near-perfection in bibliographic control of 'traditional' library materials.

» near relation = pariente cercano, especie cercana.

Example: A judge ought to be without prejudice, and he cannot therefore sit in a case where he has any interest, or when a near relation is a part.

» near relative = pariente cercano, especie cercana.

Example: The hire of a near relative of a current employee is permitted when it is in the best interest of the University.

» near-side = próximo, interno, inmediato.

Example: The near-side press point was placed further in towards the middle of the tympan (and of the sheet) than the off-side point.

» near side, the = lado más próximo, el; lado más cercano, el. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: When the heaps of all the sheets of a book had been dried and piled together again, they were set out in signature order on a long table, with the first recto pages upwards and to the near side.

» nearsighted [near-sighted] = corto de vista, miope.

Example: 'Small, near-sighted, dreaming, bruised, an outlander in the city of his birth,' thirteen-year-old Aremis Slake fled one day to the only refuge he knew, the New York subway system.

» nearsightedness [near-sightedness] = miopía.

Example: The seers -- the sybils and prophets -- of Michelangelo's Sistine Ceiling reveal imperfections of bodily sight (such as near- and far-sightedness), emphasizing their spiritual foresight.

» nearsightedness [near-sightedness] = cortas miras, falta de visión de futuro.

Example: The nearsightedness in these works is mirrored in contemporary American analysis of events & life.

» near synonym = casi sinónimo, sinónimo en parte. [Palabra cuya representación gráfica es diferente de otra pero tiene significado muy parecido y que en ciertos contextos se utiliza como si tuviese el mismo significado]

Example: Near synonyms are most common, with true synonyms which mean exactly the same thing, and which are used in precisely the same context being more unusual.

» near-synonymous relationship = relación entre cuasisinónimos.

Example: The introduction discusses the semantic aspects, and in addition to whole-part and near-synonymous relationships lists sixteen different kinds of other relationships.

» near-term = a medio plazo.

Example: The IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) is another volunteer organization; it meets regularly to discuss operational and near-term technical problems of the Internet.

» near-vertical = casi vertical.

Example: What began as a paved road on a slight incline soon became a narrow and near-vertical path through woods, with hairpin bends every 50 yards.

» near-white = casi blanco.

Example: Isabelline horses that bleach out in the sun may approach a near-white shade.

» reach + near completion = estar casi terminado.

Example: In 1989 Vanderbilt University library's 5 year conversion project reached near completion.

» the nearest thing to = lo más cercano a, lo más parecido a.

Example: This register in which printers were expected to enter the details of all new books they were intending to print is the nearest thing we have to a current bibliography of sixteenth century publications.

Nearer synonyms

close in spanish: cerrar, pronunciation: kloʊs part of speech: adverb, adjective near in spanish: cerca, pronunciation: nɪr part of speech: verb, adjective, adverb closer in spanish: más cerca, pronunciation: kloʊsɜr part of speech: adverb nigher in spanish: más cerca, pronunciation: naɪɜr part of speech: adverb
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