Nebulous in spanish


pronunciation: nebuloʊsoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

nebulous = nebuloso, falto de claridad, impreciso, vago. 

Example: The concept of such a center remained nebulous at best, and we later learned that communication problems early on had muddied the message about what was really needed.


» nebulous-seeming = nebuloso en aparencia.

Example: People have employed this term to encompass programmes of study stretching from the furthest shores of technology-based activity to the vaguest and most nebulous-seeming courses of study in the arts/humanities areas.

Nebulous synonyms

cloudy in spanish: nublado, pronunciation: klaʊdi part of speech: adjective indefinite in spanish: indefinido, pronunciation: ɪndefənət part of speech: adjective indistinct in spanish: indistinto, pronunciation: ɪndɪstɪŋkt part of speech: adjective unfixed in spanish: sin fijar, pronunciation: ənfɪkst part of speech: adjective nebulose in spanish: nebulosa, pronunciation: nebəloʊz part of speech: adjective
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