Obstruct in spanish


pronunciation: oʊbstɹ̩uiɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

obstruct = obstruir, obstaculizar. 

Example: But the present revision, incorporating ISBD, will literally clutter the entries with obtrusive redundancies and esoterics that will only obscure the content of the entries and obstruct the use of the catalog.

Obstruct synonyms

block in spanish: bloquear, pronunciation: blɑk part of speech: noun hinder in spanish: impedir, pronunciation: hɪndɜr part of speech: verb jam in spanish: mermelada, pronunciation: dʒæm part of speech: noun impede in spanish: impedir, pronunciation: ɪmpid part of speech: verb stymie in spanish: bloquear, pronunciation: staɪmi part of speech: verb, noun embarrass in spanish: avergonzar, pronunciation: ɪmberəs part of speech: verb occlude in spanish: ocluir, pronunciation: əklud part of speech: verb blockade in spanish: bloqueo, pronunciation: blɑkeɪd part of speech: noun close up in spanish: de cerca, pronunciation: kloʊsʌp part of speech: verb, adverb stymy in spanish: stymy, pronunciation: staɪmi part of speech: verb

Obstruct antonyms

free pronunciation: fri part of speech: adjective disengage pronunciation: dɪsɪngeɪdʒ part of speech: verb
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