Obviate in spanish


pronunciation: oʊbbiɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

obviate = pasar por alto, obviar, eliminar. 

Example: The intercalation of (41-4) after 329 obviates this function.


» obviate + the need for = ahorrarse la molestia de, hacer innecesario.

Example: All the print in one book should be of the same kind, to obviate the need for optical adjustment.

Obviate synonyms

avoid in spanish: evitar, pronunciation: əvɔɪd part of speech: verb avert in spanish: evitar, pronunciation: əvɜrt part of speech: verb eliminate in spanish: eliminar, pronunciation: ɪlɪməneɪt part of speech: verb deflect in spanish: cambiar, pronunciation: dɪflekt part of speech: verb debar in spanish: excluir, pronunciation: debɑr part of speech: verb stave off in spanish: evitar, pronunciation: steɪvɔf part of speech: verb ward off in spanish: alejar, pronunciation: wɔrdɔf part of speech: verb fend off in spanish: rechazar, pronunciation: fendɔf part of speech: verb head off in spanish: atajar, pronunciation: hedɔf part of speech: verb rid of in spanish: deshacerse de, pronunciation: rɪdʌv part of speech: verb

Obviate antonyms

take pronunciation: teɪk part of speech: verb demand pronunciation: dɪmænd part of speech: noun, verb need pronunciation: nid part of speech: verb, noun ask pronunciation: æsk part of speech: verb involve pronunciation: ɪnvɑlv part of speech: verb require pronunciation: rikwaɪɜr part of speech: verb necessitate pronunciation: nəsesəteɪt part of speech: verb call for pronunciation: kɔlfɔr part of speech: verb
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