Obstruction in spanish


pronunciation: oʊbstɹ̩ukθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

obstruction = obstrucción, obstáculo, impedimento. 

Example: Harmonization of technical standards is one of the Community's principal goals in creating a common market devoid of obstructions to the free movement of goods.


» bowel obstruction = oclusión intestinal.

Example: The symptoms of a bowel obstruction depend on whether the blockage is in the small intestine or the large intestine.

» intestinal obstruction = oclusión intestinal.

Example: Eating a lot of paraffin can cause intestinal obstruction.

Obstruction synonyms

obstacle in spanish: obstáculo, pronunciation: ɑbstəkəl part of speech: noun impediment in spanish: impedimento, pronunciation: ɪmpedəmənt part of speech: noun impedimenta in spanish: impedimenta, pronunciation: ɪmpedəmentə part of speech: noun
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