Occupied in spanish


pronunciation: oʊkupɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

occupy + Nombre Geográfico = ocupar + Nombre Geográfico. 

Example: When Hitler occupied Austria, 20% of library staff were removed from their posts because of Jewish connections; some were sent to concentration camps.

occupied1 = ocupado. 

Example: Most honeybees and bumblebees are very occupied in gathering nectar and pollen and are very uninterested in human beings for the most part.

occupied2 = ocupado. 

Example: In his commentary, Briggs leans over backwards to avoid all but the barest possible mention of the darker side of the complex relationship between occupiers and occupied.


» German-occupied = ocupado por los alemanes.

Example: The submarine was sunk while en route to German-occupied France with a cargo of pure silver and gold bullion valued at about $2.3 million by 1944 standards.

» occupied territory = territorio ocupado. [Parte de una nación invadido y gobernado por otra]

Example: At the outbreak of World War 1, there were about 5,000 private libraries in the occupied Polish territories.

occupy = ocupar. 

Example: Longer titles since each title can occupy only one line will be truncated and only brief source references are included.


» occupy + a niche = ocupar una posición.

Example: Dissertations occupy a special niche in the geoscience literature.

» occupy + a place = ocupar un lugar.

Example: The empirical analysis revealed that the Internet is quite rapidly occupying its place in the daily mediascape = El análisis empírico reveló que Internet está rápidamente ocupando su lugar en el mundo de los medios de comunicación.

» occupy + a position = ocupar un posición.

Example: The person occupying this position would not be a professional librarian.

» occupy + Nombre Geográfico = ocupar + Nombre Geográfico.

Example: When Hitler occupied Austria, 20% of library staff were removed from their posts because of Jewish connections; some were sent to concentration camps.

» occupy + (Posesivo) + time = ocupar tiempo, ocupar + Posesivo + tiempo.

Example: The practical work in the library occupies about a quarter of each student's time.

» occupy + space = ocupar espacio.

Example: The cards may be in miniature, so that they occupy little space.

Occupied synonyms

busy in spanish: ocupado, pronunciation: bɪzi part of speech: adjective engaged in spanish: comprometido, pronunciation: engeɪdʒd part of speech: adjective filled in spanish: lleno, pronunciation: fɪld part of speech: adjective inhabited in spanish: poblado, pronunciation: ɪnhæbətəd part of speech: adjective tenanted in spanish: arrendado, pronunciation: tenəntɪd part of speech: adjective

Occupied antonyms

unoccupied pronunciation: ənɑkjəpaɪd part of speech: adjective
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