Oddball in spanish

Bicho raro

pronunciation: bitʃoʊrɑɹ̩oʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

oddball [odd ball] = bicho raro, excéntrico. 

Example: Some librarians think people making these kinds of requests for responsive, contemporaneous headings, and for different cataloging practices are sort of kooky, unrealistic, oddballs.


» odd ball site = página web excéntrica.

Example: The article 'Virtual holiday excursions' covers metasites, holiday sites, virtual travel, pleasure reading, odd ball sites, personal psychology, personal ads, and fortune telling.

Oddball synonyms

eccentric in spanish: excéntrico, pronunciation: ɪksentrɪk part of speech: adjective geek in spanish: geek, pronunciation: gik part of speech: noun eccentric person in spanish: persona excéntrica, pronunciation: ɪksentrɪkpɜrsən part of speech: noun
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