Odour in spanish


pronunciation: oʊloʊɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

odour [odor, -USA] = olor, fragancia. 

Example: Since 1946 multidimensional statistical methods have been applied to odour characterization and classification.


» body odour = olor corporal, mal olor corporal, olor a sudor. [A veces abreviado a BO]

Example: Adrenarche is the onset of androgen-dependent body changes such as growth of axillary and pubic hair, body odor, and acne.

» develop + an odour = oler mal, empezar a oler mal.

Example: If you run as much as I do, you will know that these armbands will eventually get dirty and/or start to develop odor.

» foot odour = mal olor de los pies, pies olorosos, pies malolientes.

Example: Even the most fastidiously clean people can suffer from foot odour.

» underarm odour = olor a sobaco, olor de las axilas.

Example: As your daughter progresses through her teenage years, she might find that underarm odor is a bigger problem than it once was.

Odour synonyms

smell in spanish: oler, pronunciation: smel part of speech: noun, verb aroma in spanish: aroma, pronunciation: ɜroʊmə part of speech: noun scent in spanish: olor, pronunciation: sent part of speech: noun odor in spanish: olor, pronunciation: oʊdɜr part of speech: noun olfactory property in spanish: propiedad olfativa, pronunciation: oʊlfæktɜriprɑpɜrti part of speech: noun olfactory sensation in spanish: sensación olfativa, pronunciation: oʊlfæktɜrisenseɪʃən part of speech: noun olfactory perception in spanish: percepción olfativa, pronunciation: oʊlfæktɜripɜrsepʃən part of speech: noun
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