Pair in spanish


pronunciation: pɑɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

pair1 = par. 

Example: Double KWIC and Permuterm indexes arrange pairs of keywords, so that the entries under one keyword are organised according to the second keyword.


» a pair of tweezers = pinzas, pinzas de depilación, pinzas de depilar.

Example: One way to get rid of unwanted hair in the armpits is to pluck underarm hair with a pair of tweezers.

» be a right pair = estar hecho el uno para el otro, juntarse el hambre con las ganas de comer.

Example: They're a right pair, always getting into trouble with the family with whom they live.

» in pairs = en parejas, por parejas, a pares.

Example: In pairs, they looked after the condition of one section of the stock or had other areas of responsibility under the seniors.

» pairwise = en pares, por pares, en parejas, por parejas, de dos en dos.

Example: The figure below shows the number of possible pairwise comparisons as a function of the number of conditions in the experiment.

» show + a clean pair of heels = dejar atrás, salir por pies, echar a correr, salir corriendo, salir pitando, salir disparado, darse a la fuga, salir como una flecha, largarse, pelárselas, pirarse, pirárselas, darse el piro.

Example: The performance -- shattering in the 1950's -- is now less impressive, but it can still show a clean pair of heels to most cars on the road.

» twisted pair = par trenzado. [Aplicado a las líneas telefónicas]

Example: This article makes a comparison of the transmission media of twisted pair, baseband cable, broadband cable and fibre optics.

pair2 = emparejar, aparear, parear. 

Example: The movie rudicule the Hollywood convention of pairing decrepit male actors with starlets young enough to be their granddaughters.


» pair off = aparear, aparearse, emparejar, emparejarse, parear, formar parejas.

Example: Being single when all your friends are pairing off can be difficult.

» pair up = aparear, aparearse, emparejar, emparejarse, parear, formar parejas.

Example: Researchers have found that protons are about 20 times more likely to pair up with neutrons than with other protons in the nucleus.

Pair synonyms

match in spanish: partido, pronunciation: mætʃ part of speech: noun, verb brace in spanish: abrazadera, pronunciation: breɪs part of speech: noun span in spanish: lapso, pronunciation: spæn part of speech: noun mate in spanish: compañero, pronunciation: meɪt part of speech: noun yoke in spanish: yugo, pronunciation: joʊk part of speech: noun couple in spanish: Pareja, pronunciation: kʌpəl part of speech: noun twin in spanish: gemelo, pronunciation: twɪn part of speech: noun, adjective duo in spanish: dúo, pronunciation: duoʊ part of speech: noun dyad in spanish: pareja, pronunciation: daɪæd part of speech: noun couplet in spanish: copla, pronunciation: kuplət part of speech: noun twain in spanish: dos, pronunciation: tweɪn part of speech: noun duet in spanish: dueto, pronunciation: duet part of speech: noun copulate in spanish: copular, pronunciation: kɑpjəleɪt part of speech: verb distich in spanish: dístico, pronunciation: dɪstɪk part of speech: noun twosome in spanish: pareja, pronunciation: tusəm part of speech: noun duad in spanish: duad, pronunciation: dwɑd part of speech: noun doubleton in spanish: doubleton, pronunciation: dʌbəltən part of speech: noun pair off in spanish: emparejarse, pronunciation: perɔf part of speech: verb partner off in spanish: compañero fuera, pronunciation: pɑrtnɜrɔf part of speech: verb
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