Salted in spanish


pronunciation: sɑlɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

salt2 = salar, poner sal, echar sal, añadir sal. 

Example: My aubergines are softer and richer in flavour and you'd have to be a pretty poor cook not to realise you need to rinse them after salting.


» salt + the road = echar salitre en la carretera. [Generalmente en el invierno para evitar/disolver el hielo que se forma en las carreteras]

Example: They don't salt the roads in winter there so the salt doesn't run off and contaminate the drinking water.

Salted synonyms

salt in spanish: , pronunciation: sɔlt part of speech: noun preserved in spanish: , pronunciation: prəzɜrvd part of speech: adjective salt-cured in spanish: , pronunciation: sɔltkjʊrd part of speech: adjective
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