Salubrious in spanish


pronunciation: sɑludɑble part of speech: adjective
In gestures

salubrious = saludable, sano. 

Example: Good bookshops are few and far between and the kind to be found in most towns are as educationally healthy as a river rich in industrial effluent is physically salubrious.


» insalubrious = malsano, insalubre, pernicioso, poco saludable, poco sano, desagradable, no saludable.

Example: Specific actions are those which are intended to reinforce the fight against specific medical conditions related to insalubrious living .

Salubrious synonyms

healthy in spanish: , pronunciation: helθi part of speech: adjective wholesome in spanish: , pronunciation: hoʊlsəm part of speech: adjective good for you in spanish: , pronunciation: gʊdfɔrju
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