Abismal in english


pronunciation: əbɪzməl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

abismal = abysmal. 

Example: The major problem encountered in encouraging young adults to use public libraries is the abysmal lack of specialist young adult librarians = The major problem encountered in encouraging young adults to use public libraries is the abysmal lack of specialist young adult librarians.


» tiempo abismalabysmal weather .

Example: It started on Friday with abysmal weather howling wind and rain by the bucketful.

Abismal synonyms

deep in spanish: profundo, pronunciation: dip part of speech: adjective abyssal in spanish: abisal, pronunciation: əbɪsəl part of speech: adjective immeasurable in spanish: inconmensurable, pronunciation: ɪmeʒɜræbəl part of speech: adjective unmeasurable in spanish: inconmensurable, pronunciation: ənmiəʃʊrəbəl part of speech: adjective immensurable in spanish: inmensurable, pronunciation: ɪmenʃɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective
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