Decorar in english


pronunciation: dekɜreɪt part of speech: verb
In gestures

decorar = decorate ; ornament ; adorn ; trim ; festoon ; drape ; garland ; ornate ; garnish ; beautify ; crest ; dress up ; bedizen (with) ; bedeck (with). 

Example: The letters are upright, narrow, and angular, standing on crooked feet, and the ascenders are usually decorated with barbs or thorns; f and p do not normally descend below the base line.Example: Then, from about 1830, the covering material was further ornamented in an embossing machine = Then, from about 1830, the covering material was further ornamented in an embossing machine.Example: Florence used the occasion to boost its international prestige by creating a triumphal arch adorned with inscriptions and sculptures.Example: The scarf can be knit with pockets at the end to keep their hands toasty or trimmed with bobbles for a funky look.Example: In front of the Buddha images is a table that serves as the altar, festooned with fruit, flowers, incense, and candles.Example: Classrooms were draped with cloth and garlanded with lattices and vines.Example: Classrooms were draped with cloth and garlanded with lattices and vines.Example: The bottom of the map is ornated with a large decorative allegoric city view of Stralsund flanked by two sea monsters.Example: Chocolate can be used for garnishing in the shape of chocolate chips or grated and sprinkled over dessert.Example: I must say it's quite a neat idea that beautifies the city and doesn't burden the resources.Example: Even a plain, white material will work, when you crest it with a burgundy, russet, orange, red, or yellow runner.Example: You can dress up any plate of food with garnishment, but knowing how to garnish food can be confusing for anyone who has not previously tried.Example: She wore long plaits of grey hair entwined with strips of red fabric hanging down around her neck that was bedizened with strands of cheap jewellery.Example: We should not leave Mother Earth with scars but with flowers bedecked in her hair.


» decorar con crestacrest .

Example: Even a plain, white material will work, when you crest it with a burgundy, russet, orange, red, or yellow runner.

» decorar con guirnaldasfestoongarlandwreathe .

Example: In front of the Buddha images is a table that serves as the altar, festooned with fruit, flowers, incense, and candles.

Example: Classrooms were draped with cloth and garlanded with lattices and vines.

Example: The city, too, was wreathed in the same indigo mist that hovered around the entire planet, only the mist here was much more prevalent.

» decorar el bordefringe .

Example: The offerings are placed on and around the bedstead which is itself ornamented with mosquito net, fringed with beads.

» decorar el flecofringe .

Example: The offerings are placed on and around the bedstead which is itself ornamented with mosquito net, fringed with beads.

» decorar el hogardecorate + the house .

Example: There is a need for simple manuals which help readers to play bowls, arrange flowers, decorate the house, and the like.

» productos decorados con tela escocesatartanware  .

Example: The exhibition 'Out of the woodwork: On the history of tartanware' displays boxes, frames, penknives and other objects decorated with a distinctive tartan pattern and manufactured in Scotland in the 19th c.

Decorar synonyms

grace in spanish: gracia, pronunciation: greɪs part of speech: noun deck in spanish: cubierta, pronunciation: dek part of speech: noun dress in spanish: vestido, pronunciation: dres part of speech: noun embellish in spanish: embellecer, pronunciation: ɪmbelɪʃ part of speech: verb adorn in spanish: adornar, pronunciation: ədɔrn part of speech: verb ornament in spanish: ornamento, pronunciation: ɔrnəmənt part of speech: noun beautify in spanish: embellecer, pronunciation: bjutɪfaɪ part of speech: verb
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