Decorativo in english


pronunciation: dekrətɪv part of speech: adjective
In gestures

decorativo = decorative. 

Example: Models and displays set up in the salesrooms or as special exhibits are both decorative and interesting.


» accesorio decorativoornamental fitting .

Example: Horse-trappings include the saddle, stirrups, bridle (reins and bit), and ornamental fittings, such as bells and saddle decorations.

» artes decorativas, lasdecorative arts, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: The collection of books remained essentially the reference library of a 19th century collector whose special interests were the decorative arts, particularly glass and ceramics.

» figura decorativafigurehead .

Example: Brodetsky is portrayed here as an active determinant of the tone of the Zionist struggle & not merely as a figurehead.

» franja, franja decorativarunner .

Example: Even a plain, white material will work, when you crest it with a burgundy, russet, orange, red, or yellow runner.

» pañito decorativodoily [También escrito doilie o doiley] .

Example: We offer a selection of lace and crocheted doilies in a variety of sizes and shapes -- you can accent any table with a simple classic doily.

» tipo decorativodisplay type [Tipo de gran tamaño que se utilizaba en los titulares o en los anuncios publicitarios para atraer la atención del lector] .

Example: With few exceptions the new display types, which proliferated exuberantly during the first quarter of the century, were of three basic varieties.

» vidriera decorativastained glass .

Example: Deuxville's main downtown library was beautifully decorated in rare woods and marbles, bronze lighting fixtures and stained glass.

Decorativo synonyms

cosmetic in spanish: cosmético, pronunciation: kɑzmetɪk part of speech: adjective ornamental in spanish: ornamental, pronunciation: ɔrnəmentəl part of speech: adjective nonfunctional in spanish: no funcional, pronunciation: nɑnfʌŋkʃənəl part of speech: adjective
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