Famélico in english


pronunciation: stɑrvɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

famélico = gaunt ; famished. 

Example: A dog standing in the middle of the road raised his hackles and growled as the line of filthy, gaunt humans marched down the dusty street towards him.Example: I had no difficulty in grasping this meaning and famished as I was, rather hesitatingly, took the object and greedily devoured it.

Famélico synonyms

starvation in spanish: inanición, pronunciation: stɑrveɪʃən part of speech: noun malnourished in spanish: desnutrido, pronunciation: mælnɜrɪʃt part of speech: adjective starved in spanish: famélico, pronunciation: stɑrvd part of speech: adjective
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