Naciente in english


pronunciation: neɪsənt part of speech: adjective
In gestures

naciente = emerging ; nascent ; infant ; a-borning. 

Example: We have too much invested for us to assume any longer that we can, by sheer force of will, temper their influence on emerging standards.Example: Later this strip is retyped into ordinary language, for in its nascent form it is intelligible only to the initiated.Example: A little later in the same document, in a passage dealing in a rather smug way with the then infant county libraries we read that the purpose of such libraries should be to relieve the tedium of idle hours quite irrespective of intellectual profit or educational gain.Example: The article 'A new alliance a-borning?' reports the 50th Anniversary Meeting of the Association of American University Presses.


» mercado nacienteemerging market .

Example: Considers the emerging market and the traditional market for library-information professionals, in conjunction with the stereotype as a conditioner of acceptability in new employment venues.

» sol nacienterising sun .

Example: The article is entitled 'Library education: setting or rising sun?'.

» tierra del sol naciente, laLand of the Rising Sun, the [Nombre que también se usa para referirse a Japón] .

Example: Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun, is the place of ancient gods and sublime art, but it is also on the cutting edge of dizzying modernity.

Naciente synonyms

emergent in spanish: emergente, pronunciation: ɪmɜrdʒənt part of speech: adjective emerging in spanish: emergente, pronunciation: ɪmɜrdʒɪŋ part of speech: adjective aborning in spanish: aborning, pronunciation: əbɔrnɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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