Nacimiento in english


pronunciation: bɜrθ part of speech: noun
In gestures

nacimiento1 = birth. 

Example: Typically, the additions to the name will fall within the following categories: title of nobility, title of honour, form of address, date of birth, and date of death.


» acta de nacimientobirth certificate .

Example: The data are based on information abstracted from birth certificates filed in vital statistics offices.

» celebrar el nacimiento del bebéwet + the baby's head [Generalmente con bebidas en abundancia] .

Example: I have wet the baby's head so many times that now it is Christmas morning I cannot stand and walk.

» certificado de nacimientobirth certificate .

Example: The data are based on information abstracted from birth certificates filed in vital statistics offices.

» defecto de nacimientobirth defect .

Example: DEFORMITIES-GENETIC ASPECTS is an aspect of birth defects, and that has not yet become a standard LC heading.

» de nacimientofrom birthinnatelyinbornnative-bornbornby birth .

Example: Contrary to popular belief, people who have been deaf from birth are not indifferent to aesthetic literature.

Example: Innately conservative Muslims prefer to exclude Western infiltration and influence.

Example: Most cerebral aneurysms are congenital, resulting from an inborn abnormality in an artery wall.

Example: Rapid increases in the foreign-born population at the state level are not associated with negative effects on the employment of native-born workers.

Example: I'm a born righty -- I can't do squat with my left except shoot a firearm and move along the fret of a guitar.

Example: I don't mean to say that he was a rough diamond, for he was a gentleman by birth as well as by nature.

» derecho de nacimientobirthright .

Example: The frontier and opportunist nature of Australia had tended to promote social advancement either in terms of good fortune, hard work, or ingenuity rather than by virtue of birthright.

» fecha de nacimientobirth datedate of birth .

Example: If the local number is used to store the birth date of the borrower, all borrowers in a specified age range can be selected.

Example: Typically, the additions to the name will fall within the following categories: title of nobility, title of honour, form of address, date of birth, and date of death.

» lugar de nacimientobirthplaceplace of birth .

Example: Silicon Valley, the birthplace of multimedia, is still in the forefront of technological change.

Example: 143 first professors in American medical schools before the Civil War were selected, and records of their academic origins, places of birth, and study abroad were collected from various biographical sources.

» madre de nacimientobirth mother .

Example: Interviews were conducted with adoptive fathers, adoptive mothers, adopted children, birth mothers, and birth fathers across the US, about their experiences & relationships.

» madre o padre de nacimientobirth parent .

Example: The author approaches the issue from 3 different perspectives: that of (1) the adoptee child; (2) the birth parents; and (3) the adoptive parents.

» mancha de nacimientobirthmark .

Example: This very rare type of birthmark consists of a dark red or purple mark which, while it is flat, may have a slightly knobbly surface.

» marca de nacimientobirthmark .

Example: This very rare type of birthmark consists of a dark red or purple mark which, while it is flat, may have a slightly knobbly surface.

» nacimiento del pelohairline .

Example: And it's getting worse by the month as his hairline recedes further and further back across his cranium.

» nacimiento extramaritalout-of-wedlock birth .

Example: The cohorts that 'initiated' family change (growing numbers of divorces, out-of-wedlock births, lone parents, patchwork families) in the late 1960s/early 1970s have now began the transition into retirement age.

» nacimiento extramatrimonialout-of-wedlock birth .

Example: The cohorts that 'initiated' family change (growing numbers of divorces, out-of-wedlock births, lone parents, patchwork families) in the late 1960s/early 1970s have now began the transition into retirement age.

» nacimiento fuera del matrimonioout-of-wedlock birth .

Example: The cohorts that 'initiated' family change (growing numbers of divorces, out-of-wedlock births, lone parents, patchwork families) in the late 1960s/early 1970s have now began the transition into retirement age.

» nacimiento por cesáreaCaesarean birth .

Example: Women who ask for a Caesarean birth should be allowed to have one, even if there is no medical need.

» nacimiento precozprematurity .

Example: The most likely causes of brain damage among low birthweight infants are prematurity and infections, not oxygen starvation.

» nombre de nacimientonée [Palabra de origen francés utilizada para indicar el apellido de soltera de una mujer casada] .

Example: The album consists of favourite pieces of prose and poetry copied by the Revd James Baker and his wife Amelia (née Wilshere).

» padre de nacimientobirth father .

Example: Interviews were conducted with adoptive fathers, adoptive mothers, adopted children, birth mothers, and birth fathers across the US, about their experiences & relationships.

» país de nacimientonative country .

Example: After the civil war ended, the refugees were able to return to their native country.

» partida de nacimientobirth certificate .

Example: The data are based on information abstracted from birth certificates filed in vital statistics offices.

» peso de nacimientobirthweight .

Example: Results show a significant relationship between schizophrenia and low birthweight and forceps delivery.

nacimiento2 = hatching. 

Example: In the first two days after hatching, chicks coming from eggs incubated in the light prevalently slept with their right eye open.


» nacimiento de pollueloschick hatching .

Example: Statistics are also available on yields of individual fruit and vegetable crops, monthly meat and milk production, and chick hatchings.

nacimiento3 = spring. 

Example: They bought a book which is an 1875 edition of the travel guide Faxon's illustrated hand-book of summer travel to the lakes, springs and mountains of New England.

nacimiento4 = rise. 

Example: The rise of documentation in this country takes a rather different turn, due largely to the development of fine grain photographic emulsions and the miniature camera using a film with an acetate, non-explosive, base.


» con el nacimiento deat the dawn of .

Example: At the dawn of this new century, we see the result of current scientific and technological advancement.

» contribuir al nacimiento delead to + the birth of .

Example: The development of integrated circuits has led to the birth of large numbers of new companies.

nacimiento5 = nativity. 

Example: Pilgrims journeyed to the cathedral to view the Veil of the Virgin, a strip of cloth believed to have been worn by the Virgin Mary at the Nativity of Christ.

Nacimiento synonyms

bear in spanish: oso, pronunciation: ber part of speech: verb, noun have in spanish: tener, pronunciation: hæv part of speech: verb deliver in spanish: entregar, pronunciation: dɪlɪvɜr part of speech: verb nativity in spanish: natividad, pronunciation: nətɪvəti part of speech: noun parturition in spanish: parto, pronunciation: pɑrtʃɜrɪʃən part of speech: noun parentage in spanish: familia, pronunciation: perəntədʒ part of speech: noun birthing in spanish: parto, pronunciation: bɜrθɪŋ part of speech: noun nascence in spanish: Nascence, pronunciation: næsəns part of speech: noun birthe in spanish: nacimiento, pronunciation: bɜrθ part of speech: noun giving birth in spanish: Dar a luz, pronunciation: gɪvɪŋbɜrθ part of speech: noun nascency in spanish: nascency, pronunciation: næsənsi part of speech: noun give birth in spanish: dar a luz, pronunciation: gɪvbɜrθ part of speech: verb
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