Pagano in english


pronunciation: peɪgən part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

pagano = pagan ; pagan ; heathen. 

Example: Being able to read, they would read seditious literature and become pagans and insolent towards their superiors.Example: Most of these libraries were destroyed when the Emperor Constantine ordered Christian churches to be built on the sites of the pagan temples -- these housed many of the libraries.Example: The heathen cemetery is part of a general movement in which people from different religious communities want to be buried in separate places under separate conditions.

Pagano synonyms

heathen in spanish: pagano, pronunciation: hiðən part of speech: noun, adjective gentile in spanish: gentil, pronunciation: dʒentaɪl part of speech: adjective, noun infidel in spanish: infiel, pronunciation: ɪnfɪdel part of speech: noun irreligious in spanish: irreligioso, pronunciation: ɪrilɪdʒəs part of speech: adjective heathenish in spanish: pagano, pronunciation: heðənɪʃ part of speech: adjective
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