Racial in english


pronunciation: reɪʃəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

racial = racial. 

Example: The raison d'etre of the ALA is not to erradicate racial injustice and inequalities and to promote human brotherhood.


» armonía racialracial harmony .

Example: Newspapers should not raise sensitive issues that could threaten racial harmony and the country's stability.

» barrera racialcolour barracial barrier .

Example: The term 'colour bar' evokes the segregation of people on the basis of their 'race' as practiced in post-slavery United States and apartheid-era South Africa.

Example: Racial barriers, not class barriers to employment, were the main cause of the relative lack of black economic advancement.

» concertación racialracial harmony .

Example: Newspapers should not raise sensitive issues that could threaten racial harmony and the country's stability.

» conflicto racialracial conflictethnic conflictethnic strife .

Example: Student surveys and interviews indicate that all students perceive racial conflict on campus, though there are significant differences by racial group.

Example: Roots of ethnic conflict included segregation, racism, socialization, and inequality.

Example: As a result, faculty and students in the social sciences often focus on issues that are polemic -- racism, international conflict and war, ethnic strife, poverty.

» desde un punto de vista racialracially .

Example: The ruling, which spells out academic requirements for athletes who play at universities, has met with much opposition, the primary criticism being that the ruling is racially discriminatory.

» discriminación racialracial discriminationcolour barracial injustice .

Example: Racial and ethnic discrimination have had a long history in the United States, beginning with the importation of African slaves in the seventeenth century.

Example: The term 'colour bar' evokes the segregation of people on the basis of their 'race' as practiced in post-slavery United States and apartheid-era South Africa.

Example: The raison d'etre of the ALA is not to erradicate racial injustice and inequalities and to promote human brotherhood.

» enfrentamiento racialracial conflictethnic conflictethnic strife .

Example: Student surveys and interviews indicate that all students perceive racial conflict on campus, though there are significant differences by racial group.

Example: Roots of ethnic conflict included segregation, racism, socialization, and inequality.

Example: As a result, faculty and students in the social sciences often focus on issues that are polemic -- racism, international conflict and war, ethnic strife, poverty.

» estereotipo racialracial stereotype .

Example: Many publications perpetuate racial and national stereotypes = Muchas publicaciones perpetuan los estereotipos raciales y nacionales.

» grupo racialracial group .

Example: Student surveys and interviews indicate that all students perceive racial conflict on campus, though there are significant differences by racial group.

» igualdad racialracial equality .

Example: The Gazette advocated uncompromised racial equality and viewed the migration as a weapon against oppression.

» integración racialracial integration .

Example: In the UK school and public libraries try to assist peaceful racial integration while maintaining each race's cultural identity.

» justicia racialracial justice .

Example: Will's social activism in regard to racial justice and human rights made him ill suited for the confines of the small-town Southern pulpit, and he left in 1954.

» limpieza racialethnic cleansing .

Example: We wish to mention that there can never be such matters as ethnic cleansing, license to rape, or other ill-willed behavior on the government's part.

» minoría racialracial minority .

Example: An extensive survey of poor racial-minority city-dwellers found that of the five thousand possible information sources that they named, the library was mentioned only once.

» multiracialmulti-racial [multiracial]multiethnic [multi-ethnic] .

Example: The school library has a wide media range catering for a multi-racial society.

Example: These systems can be applied where the given language is the common language of communication within a multilingual, multiethnic area.

» no racialcolour-blind .

Example: There has been a shift from overt ideologies of racial supremacy to more subtle symbolic narratives purporting to be colour-blind.

» odio racialracial hatred .

Example: Discussion of intellectual freedom issues often centres on issues such as homosexuality and racial hatred.

» persecución racialracial persecution .

Example: He promoted a program of racial persecution and racism involving the wiping out of the Jews.

» problema racialracial conflictethnic conflictethnic strife .

Example: Student surveys and interviews indicate that all students perceive racial conflict on campus, though there are significant differences by racial group.

Example: Roots of ethnic conflict included segregation, racism, socialization, and inequality.

Example: As a result, faculty and students in the social sciences often focus on issues that are polemic -- racism, international conflict and war, ethnic strife, poverty.

» pureza racialracial purity .

Example: The theory of Scandinavian racial purity cherished by Hitler and the Nazis has been rubbished by new scientific research.

» reconciliación racialracial reconciliation .

Example: His talks sparkle with Southern humor and a distinct voice known to mention rednecks, the evil of institutions, and racial reconciliation.

» relacionado con cuestiones racialesrace-related .

Example: Few American colleges are immune to racial tensions, and race-related incidents tend to flare up at this or that campus.

» segregación racialcolour barracial segregation .

Example: The term 'colour bar' evokes the segregation of people on the basis of their 'race' as practiced in post-slavery United States and apartheid-era South Africa.

Example: Racial segregation in southern public libraries affected millions of African Americans.

» supremacía racialracial supremacismracial supremacy .

Example: Given the impersonal nature of the Internet, there exists a certain degree of danger that otherwise ordinary citizens will become more susceptible to the ideology of racial supremacism.

Example: There has been a shift from overt ideologies of racial supremacy to more subtle symbolic narratives purporting to be colour-blind.

» tensión racialracial tension .

Example: Few American colleges are immune to racial tensions, and race-related incidents tend to flare up at this or that campus.

» violencia racialracial violence .

Example: There is no continent which is free of racial violence and it has been the trade-mark of racism throughout history.

Racial synonyms

racist in spanish: racista, pronunciation: reɪsɪst part of speech: adjective, noun biracial in spanish: birracial, pronunciation: baɪreɪʃəl part of speech: adjective interracial in spanish: interracial, pronunciation: ɪntɜrreɪʃəl part of speech: adjective multiracial in spanish: multirracial, pronunciation: məltaɪreɪʃəl part of speech: adjective
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