Racionalizar in english


pronunciation: ræʃənəlaɪz part of speech: verb
In gestures

racionalizar = rationalise [rationalize, -USA] ; streamline ; slim down. 

Example: Until we have such a code the best we can do is to try to develop some logical principles, to try to rationalize the existing headings.Example: In the field of cataloguing he streamlined the cataloguing process and secured an international reputation with his cataloguing code and subject headings list.Example: The abundance of book types and titles makes display and merchandising increasingly difficult; some booksellers are dealing with this by slimming down or cutting out certain categories.


» racionalizar las operacionesstreamline + operations .

Example: Library operations have been streamlined and the staff have developed renewed enthusiasm = Se han racionalizado las operaciones bibliotecarias y el personal ha recobrado entusiasmo.

Racionalizar synonyms

cut in spanish: cortar, pronunciation: kʌt part of speech: verb, noun apologize in spanish: pedir disculpas, pronunciation: əpɑlədʒaɪz part of speech: verb justify in spanish: justificar, pronunciation: dʒʌstəfaɪ part of speech: verb prune in spanish: ciruela pasa, pronunciation: prun part of speech: noun, verb excuse in spanish: excusa, pronunciation: ɪkskjus part of speech: noun, verb apologise in spanish: pedir disculpas, pronunciation: əpɑlədʒaɪz part of speech: verb
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