Radar in english


pronunciation: reɪdɑr part of speech: noun
In gestures

radar = radar. 

Example: This type of radar is widely used by the mercantile marine and harbour authorities for collision avoidance.


» radar del tiempoweather radar .

Example: It is a dark and thunderstormy night, although weather radar seems to indicate it'll pass within about an hour.

» radar de penetración terrestreground penetrating radar .

Example: This new signal processing technique improves the detectability of buried anti-personnel land mines using a ground penetrating radar.

» radar de tráficospeed camera .

Example: A man who fitted a device to his car to jam police speed cameras has been jailed for two months.

» radar meteorológicoweather radar .

Example: It is a dark and thunderstormy night, although weather radar seems to indicate it'll pass within about an hour.

» velocidad controlada por radarradar-controlled speedradar speed check .

Example: The traffic has grown so much that many streets have radar-controlled speed.

Example: The French government is about to ban anything that warns or announces the presence of radar speed checks.

Radar synonyms

radiolocation in spanish: radiolocalización, pronunciation: rædiələkeɪʃən part of speech: noun microwave radar in spanish: radar de microondas, pronunciation: maɪkrəweɪvreɪdɑr part of speech: noun radio detection and ranging in spanish: detección de radio y alcance, pronunciation: reɪdioʊdɪtekʃənændreɪndʒɪŋ part of speech: noun
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