Sacrificio in english


pronunciation: sækrəfaɪs part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

sacrificio = slaughter ; slaughtering ; sacrifice ; self-sacrifice ; self-denial. 

Example: Attention has focussed on the marketing of dangerous substances, safety standards for the slaughter of meat and poultry, and control of dangerous cosmetics.Example: These programmes cover red meat slaughterhouses, ware potatoes, liquid milk processing, horticulture, cereals, fisheries, and pigmeat slaughtering and processing.Example: When these habits are general and deeply rooted, it is unwise for the cataloger to ignore them, even if they demand a sacrifice of system and simplicity.Example: Nationalists tended to depict women as embodying the eternal virtues of self-sacrifice and loyalty and to elevate them as national exemplars.Example: He has chosen self-denial and altruism as the way to follow.


» altar de sacrificiossacrificial altar .

Example: The sacrificial altars they erected in their settlements to this end were impressive examples of Celtic architecture.

» autosacrificioself-sacrifice .

Example: Nationalists tended to depict women as embodying the eternal virtues of self-sacrifice and loyalty and to elevate them as national exemplars.

» hacer sacrificiosmake + sacrifices .

Example: It often meant working in sweatshops all day and studying at night; even the poorest made great sacrifices for the education of their youn.

» hacer un sacrificiomake + a sacrificemake + a sacrifice .

Example: Xenophon learnt the news while he was making a sacrifice to the gods.

Example: Xenophon learnt the news while he was making a sacrifice to the gods.

» ofrecer un sacrificiomake + a sacrifice .

Example: Xenophon learnt the news while he was making a sacrifice to the gods.

Sacrificio synonyms

give in spanish: dar, pronunciation: gɪv part of speech: verb forfeit in spanish: perder, pronunciation: fɔrfɪt part of speech: verb forfeiture in spanish: pérdida, pronunciation: fɔrfətʃɜr part of speech: noun ritual killing in spanish: matanza ritual, pronunciation: rɪtʃuəlkɪlɪŋ part of speech: noun
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