Sagacidad in english


pronunciation: səgæsəti part of speech: noun
In gestures

sagacidad = cunning ; artfulness ; sagacity ; shrewdness ; fancy footwork. 

Example: The dictionary defines policy as 'any governing principle or course of action' and as 'political wisdom or cunning: diplomacy; prudence; artfulness'.Example: The dictionary defines policy as 'any governing principle or course of action' and as 'political wisdom or cunning: diplomacy; prudence; artfulness'.Example: In terms of accountability and political sagacity, cooperation is definitely to be valued in today's information age.Example: If the incomplete question is difficult to detect at the initial stage, to recognise those instances where it may be the wrong question that is being asked requires almost a sixth sense, or at least an uncommon shrewdness.Example: One thing's for sure, the twins will need some fancy footwork to get out of this = One thing's for sure, the twins will need some fancy footwork to get out of this.


» con sagacidadshrewdly .

Example: Libraries will have to select shrewdly a complement of formats that address the varying uses library patrons have for information.

» sagacidad para los negociosbusiness acumen .

Example: They have business acumen -- the ability to focus on the basics and make money for the company.

» sagacidad políticapolitical wisdom .

Example: The use of political wisdom in implementing those policies cn make the difference between a static or dynamic library environment.

Sagacidad synonyms

judgement in spanish: juicio, pronunciation: dʒʌdʒmənt part of speech: noun judgment in spanish: juicio, pronunciation: dʒʌdʒmənt part of speech: noun discernment in spanish: discernimiento, pronunciation: dɪsɜrnmənt part of speech: noun sagaciousness in spanish: sagacidad, pronunciation: səgeɪʃəsnəs part of speech: noun judiciousness in spanish: buen juicio, pronunciation: dʒudɪʃusnəs part of speech: noun
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