Sagrado in english


pronunciation: seɪkrəd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

sagrado = sacred ; sacrosanct ; hallowed ; holy ; time-honoured. 

Example: Sacred scriptures are entered under uniform title as main entry.Example: While the operating instructions must be regarded as authoritative, they should not be seen as sacrosanct tablets of stone.Example: The quiet and hallowed stacks provide comfort and solace to the bibliophile and a sense of rightness and order to the librarian.Example: The title of the article is 'More holy men than learned: impressions from Indian manuscript libraries'.Example: The time-honoured training institution 'sitting with Nellie' is not much good if Nellie's competence is not up to scratch.


» el silencio es sagradosilence is golden .

Example: They say silence is golden but some people really just don't get it and they go on and on and on!.

» fuego sagradosacred fire .

Example: But to the person fortunate enough to possess the sacred fire of the art, his work is its own reward, and he blesses the men, living and dead, who kindled the spark within him.

» Hostia Sagrada, laHost, the .

Example: Among his topics are how he gagged on the Host on the occasion of his first communion, his marriage to a Lutheran, and the oppressive history of Roman Catholicism.

» libro sagradosacred booksacred scripture .

Example: This part provides detailed schedules mainly for use in the classification of Indian classics and sacred books.

Example: Sacred scriptures are entered under uniform title as main entry.

» lo sagradosacredness  .

Example: Historical editors believe in the importance of the meaning, literary editors in word sacredness.

» lugar sagradoshrine .

Example: The new institution is likened to the historic Buddhist shrine of Borobudur, recently restored to grandeur through wide international support.

» mandamiento sagradoholy commandment .

Example: Moreover, Marxism-Leninism became somewhat of a new religion to many, strictly following its rules as if they were holy commandments.

» Sagrada Comunión, laHoly Communion .

Example: Ears of wheat symbolise the body of Christ and the bread taken during the service of Holy Communion.

» sagrada escriturasacred scripturescripture .

Example: Sacred scriptures are entered under uniform title as main entry.

Example: In this section we have presented translations of many ancient scriptures of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism and other eastern religions.

» Sagrada(s) Escritura(s), la(s)Holy Scripture(s), theHoly Writ, theScriptures, the .

Example: Baptists have long proclaimed the Holy Scriptures to be their authority for faith and practice.

Example: One such example is the topic about tattoos and body piercing, which many Christians believe is wrong according to the Holy Writ.

Example: God divinely influenced the human authors of the Scriptures in such a way that what they wrote was the very Word of God.

» vaca sagradasacred cowholy cow .

Example: The article 'Emergency slaughtering of sacred cows' describes a 2 year project to investigate public library purchasing procedures in 11 municipalities in Sweden.

Example: Hundreds of holy cows used to wander the villages of India, devouring the food of hungry peasants, yet they were defended with fervour.

» vino sagradoholy wine .

Example: Police are hunting thieves who have stolen 20 litres of holy wine from
a Roman Catholic church.

Sagrado synonyms

sublime in spanish: sublime, pronunciation: səblaɪm part of speech: adjective divine in spanish: adivinar, pronunciation: dɪvaɪn part of speech: adjective, noun ineffable in spanish: inefable, pronunciation: ɪnefəbəl part of speech: adjective dedicated in spanish: dedicado, pronunciation: dedəkeɪtəd part of speech: adjective holy in spanish: santo, pronunciation: hoʊli part of speech: noun, adjective spiritual in spanish: espiritual, pronunciation: spɪrɪtʃəwəl part of speech: adjective taboo in spanish: tabú, pronunciation: tæbu part of speech: noun, adjective worthy in spanish: digno, pronunciation: wɜrði part of speech: adjective sacrosanct in spanish: sacrosanto, pronunciation: sækroʊsæŋkt part of speech: adjective religious in spanish: religioso, pronunciation: rɪlɪdʒəs part of speech: adjective numinous in spanish: numinoso, pronunciation: numənəs part of speech: adjective hallowed in spanish: santificado, pronunciation: hæloʊd part of speech: adjective revered in spanish: venerado, pronunciation: rɪvɪrd part of speech: adjective reverend in spanish: reverendo, pronunciation: revɜrənd part of speech: noun inspirational in spanish: inspirador, pronunciation: ɪnspɜreɪʃənəl part of speech: adjective inviolable in spanish: inviolable, pronunciation: ɪnvaɪələbəl part of speech: adjective consecrated in spanish: consagrado, pronunciation: kɑnsəkreɪtəd part of speech: adjective inviolate in spanish: inviolado, pronunciation: ɪnvaɪəlɪt part of speech: adjective tabu in spanish: tabú, pronunciation: tæbu part of speech: noun, adjective sanctified in spanish: santificado, pronunciation: sæŋktəfaɪd part of speech: adjective venerated in spanish: venerado, pronunciation: venɜreɪtɪd part of speech: adjective sacral in spanish: sacro, pronunciation: sækrəl part of speech: adjective unspeakable in spanish: indecible, pronunciation: ənspikəbəl part of speech: adjective unutterable in spanish: indecible, pronunciation: ənʌtɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective unnameable in spanish: innombrable, pronunciation: ənæməbəl part of speech: adjective reverenced in spanish: venerado, pronunciation: revɜrənst part of speech: adjective
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