Tableta in english


pronunciation: tæblət part of speech: noun
In gestures

tableta1 = slab ; tablet. 

Example: What is absolutely certain is that without some preparation by the teacher, a visitor cannot hope to achieve very much; he is in little better a position than cold fish on a marble slab.Example: There are many different tablets available to treat diabetes.


» tableta de chocolatesix-packsix-pack absslab of chocolatetablet of chocolate .

Example: Six-packs are difficult to maintain because they require less than 10 percent body fat.

Example: Discover how to get six-pack abs in 2 months (or less) using a unique combination of carefully-sequenced, little-known exercises.

Example: To my eye, it looks like a gigantic slab of chocolate, with holes where huge birthday candles were pulled out.

Example: This innovative product is a tablet of chocolate whose portions come printed with calorie counts carved directly on the surface.

tableta2 = pill. 

Example: White respondents are more than six times as likely to use pills to vomit as a method of weight management.

Tableta synonyms

pad in spanish: almohadilla, pronunciation: pæd part of speech: noun pill in spanish: píldora, pronunciation: pɪl part of speech: noun lozenge in spanish: pastilla, pronunciation: lɔzəndʒ part of speech: noun pad of paper in spanish: libreta de papel, pronunciation: pædʌvpeɪpɜr part of speech: noun
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