Tábano in english


pronunciation: gædflaɪ part of speech: noun
In gestures

tábano = horsefly ; warble fly ; warble. 

Example: Horseflies are frequently important pests to both livestock and humans.Example: The warble fly is an insect, which parasitically infects cattle.Example: When squirrels are acting 'nutty,' it is often caused by a warble or botfly larva living beneath the animal's skin.

Tábano synonyms

pest in spanish: parásito, pronunciation: pest part of speech: noun cuss in spanish: tipo de, pronunciation: kʌs part of speech: noun, verb blighter in spanish: sinvergüenza, pronunciation: blaɪtɜr part of speech: noun pesterer in spanish: Pesterer, pronunciation: pestɜrɜr part of speech: noun
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