Tabla in english


pronunciation: teɪbəl part of speech: noun
In gestures

tabla1 = plank ; board ; pleat. 

Example: Fine-grained hardwoods were preferred, nearly always cut across the grain, although the largest size types were sometimes cut on the plank.Example: Add to the designation, when appropriate, the number and the name(s) of the component pieces of the object; e.g., 1 game (1 board), 50 cards, 2 dice.Example: Accordion pleats are the most basic form of pleat, consisting of a series of permanent folds of equal width in alternating opposite directions = Accordion pleats are the most basic form of pleat, consisting of a series of permanent folds of equal width in alternating opposite directions.


» cerrar con tablasboard up .

Example: Yet rather than battening down the hatches and boarding up the shopfronts, it is more a case of polishing the silver and pulling out the corks.

» cubrir con tablasboard up .

Example: Yet rather than battening down the hatches and boarding up the shopfronts, it is more a case of polishing the silver and pulling out the corks.

» hacer tabla rasalevel + the playing field .

Example: Technical standards are a good way to level the playing field among participating groups.

» miedo a las tablasstage fright .

Example: The author discusses the art of storytelling for librarians, focusing on controlling stage fright and selecting stories.

» proteger con tablasboard up .

Example: Yet rather than battening down the hatches and boarding up the shopfronts, it is more a case of polishing the silver and pulling out the corks.

» quedarse en tablassplit down the middle .

Example: The result was a virtual split down the middle on some aspects of the systems, with staff on one side and students on the other.

» tabla comedero para pájarosbird table .

Example: Jays are reluctant to leave the shelter of woodlands although, on occasions, they become bold, visiting garden bird tables for scraps.

» tabla de carnicerochopping block .

Example: At the end of each round, the viewer may watch the unveiling of a contestant's dish on the chopping block, signaling the termination of his or her time in the show.

» tabla de chocolatesix-packsix-pack abs .

Example: Six-packs are difficult to maintain because they require less than 10 percent body fat.

Example: Discover how to get six-pack abs in 2 months (or less) using a unique combination of carefully-sequenced, little-known exercises.

» tabla de cocinachopping board .

Example: Lay the monkfish pieces on a chopping board and slice them horizontally almost in half, so they open out like a book.

» tabla de colorespalettepalette of colours .

Example: This utility provides the ability to create diagrams, windows, and floating palettes.

Example: The default color is blue and you can select from a palette of colors.

» tabla de cortarchopping board .

Example: Lay the monkfish pieces on a chopping board and slice them horizontally almost in half, so they open out like a book.

» tabla de espiritismoOuija board .

Example: A group of students of a school showed signs of collective hysteria after using an Ouija board.

» tabla de la planchaironing board .

Example: Using collapsible ironing boards can be inconvenient because they must be retrieved from storage before unfolding.

» tabla de lavarwashboard .

Example: This company has been making washboards since 1895 and is the only manufacturer still operating in the United States of America today.

» tabla del entarimadofloorboard .

Example: The original floorboards are in bad nick with gaps between them and a few that are cracked.

» tabla de picarchopping board .

Example: Lay the monkfish pieces on a chopping board and slice them horizontally almost in half, so they open out like a book.

» tabla de plancharironing board .

Example: Using collapsible ironing boards can be inconvenient because they must be retrieved from storage before unfolding.

» tabla de planchar pantalonestrousers press .

Example: Rooms are functional and clean and equipped with television, video, hair dryer, trousers press, writing desk, and dresser.

» tabla de surfsurfboard .

Example: Enjoy this article by Takara about how to deal with what life hands you like riding the waves on a surfboard.

» tabla de surfingsurfboard .

Example: Enjoy this article by Takara about how to deal with what life hands you like riding the waves on a surfboard.

» tabla de windsurfwindsurf board .

Example: In fact, all windsurf boards having such a wishbone should only be used by real professionals.

» tabla en blancoblank slatetabula rasa .

Example: The philosopher John Locke asserted that at birth the human mind is a blank slate, or tabula rasa, and empty of ideas.

Example: The philosopher John Locke asserted that at birth the human mind is a blank slate, or tabula rasa, and empty of ideas.

» tabla rasaclean slatenew leafa fresh startclean break .

Example: A group of university and government researchers has proposed a 'clean slate' approach to solving the Internet's myriad security problems.

Example: This submersion into the Hindustani tradition was a new leaf for them.

Example: Where it is necessary or desirable for a fresh start they can advise on the best way forward.

Example: As he repeatedly tells everyone in the aptly titled 'Clean Break,' what you need to do in order to move forward is shed all of the emotional baggage, all of the memories, all of the 'non-essentials' in your life.

» tabla salvavidaslifebuoy .

Example: If you see any damaged or missing lifebuoys, or anyone tampering with them, please contact us.

» tapiado con tablasboarded-up .

Example: The number of boarded-up houses is rapidly climbing, particularly in the inner-city.

» tapiar con tablasboard up .

Example: Yet rather than battening down the hatches and boarding up the shopfronts, it is more a case of polishing the silver and pulling out the corks.

tabla2 = table. 

Example: The document containing ordered data typically in rows and columns and possibly with an accompanying text is known as tables.


» basado en tablastable-driven .

Example: This is based on table-driven semantics which are embedded in the data base model.

» confeccionar una tabladraft + a table .

Example: Skill is involved in selecting significant data from the original table or graphical presentation, and drafting a table containing the vital statistics in a more condensed format.

» de mitad de la tablamid-pack [En su origen, hace referencia a un 'pelotón' de corredores, ciclistas, etc] .

Example: Seattle Airport was a mid-pack finisher in a new survey released this week .

» elaborar una tabladraft + a table .

Example: Skill is involved in selecting significant data from the original table or graphical presentation, and drafting a table containing the vital statistics in a more condensed format.

» presentar en forma de tablatabulate .

Example: Figure 18.1 tabulates in summary form many of the attractions of computerised cataloguing systems.

» tabla de calcularready reckonerreckoner  .

Example: You can use our 'ready reckoner' to calculate the costs associated with buying a home through shared ownership.

Example: The primary purpose of these pages is as a reckoner, and it is not designed to be used in situations where time of sunrise or sunset is critical.

» tabla de cálculoreckoner  ; ready reckoner .

Example: The primary purpose of these pages is as a reckoner, and it is not designed to be used in situations where time of sunrise or sunset is critical.

Example: You can use our 'ready reckoner' to calculate the costs associated with buying a home through shared ownership.

» tabla de clasificaciónclassification schedule .

Example: It may be helpful to demonstrate how we may set about constructing a classification schedule in a limited subject area, in this case Library science.

» tabla de comparación de preciosprice-comparison table .

Example: Some consumer advice centres would not only handle complaints but also provided pre-shopping advice, combined with attractive exhibitions, leaflets, price-comparison tables, and other consumer education activities.

» tabla de contenidotable of contents [ToC] [Lista de epígrafes y subepígrafes de las partes de un documento siguiendo el orden de presentación e indicando la página donde comienzan] .

Example: If an index, title page, or table of contents arrives, the number '11' should be entered.

» tabla de morbilidadmorbidity table .

Example: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of these mortality and morbidity tables, we do not accept any responsibility for their use in practice.

» tabla de mortalidadmortality table .

Example: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of these mortality and morbidity tables, we do not accept any responsibility for their use in practice.

» tabla de mortandadmortality table .

Example: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of these mortality and morbidity tables, we do not accept any responsibility for their use in practice.

» tabla de multiplicarmultiplication tabletimes tables .

Example: More and more in my teaching career, I'm seeing that children no longer memorize their multiplication tables.

Example: Primary schools which fail to teach times tables by heart are condemning children to a lifetime struggling with numbers, inspectors have warned.

» tabla genealógicagenealogical table .

Example: AACR allows the use of the term 'illus.' to cover the following types of illustrations: charts, coats of arms, facsimiles, forms, genealogical tables, maps, music, plans, portraits, and samples.

» tabla hashhash table .

Example: With this size of file, the compilation of the hash table takes several minutes, but once built, it can produce very rapid results.

» tabla periódicaperiodic table .

Example: The article is entitled 'Periodic tables: their construction and related symmetries'.

tabla3 = schedules, the. 

Example: The list of terms, representing concepts systematically arranged and showing their relationships, constitutes the schedules of a classification scheme.


» tabla auxiliarauxiliary schedule .

Example: The notation is primarily letters, but also uses numbers to denote concepts in the auxiliary schedules.

» tablas auxiliarestablesauxiliary tables .

Example: These tables may be applied, in carefully selected subject areas, and under the guidance of explicit instructions, in order to subdivide a subject found in the main schedules.

Example: This section is followed by the seven auxiliary tables of common subdivisions.

» tablas principalesmain tablesmain schedules .

Example: First of all we will consider the main schedules or 'main tables', so turn to page 26 of the scheme where you will find an outline of the main divisions of these schedules.

Example: First of all we will consider the main schedules or 'main tables', so turn to page 26 of the scheme where you will find an outline of the main divisions of these schedules.

tablas = stalemate ; standoff. 

Example: It appears that the stalemate over this issue has not arisen because instructional technologists and traditional professors are on opposite sides of a barricade, but because they are fighting different battles.Example: A 12-hour standoff ended with a man lobbing Molotov cocktails at police before taking his own life rather than vacate a home he'd lost to foreclosure.

Tabla synonyms

board in spanish: tablero, pronunciation: bɔrd part of speech: noun defer in spanish: aplazar, pronunciation: dɪfɜr part of speech: verb remit in spanish: remitir, pronunciation: rimɪt part of speech: verb, noun postpone in spanish: posponer, pronunciation: poʊstpoʊn part of speech: verb mesa in spanish: colina baja, pronunciation: meɪsə part of speech: noun put off in spanish: posponer, pronunciation: pʊtɔf part of speech: verb shelve in spanish: dejar de lado, pronunciation: ʃelv part of speech: verb set back in spanish: retrasar, pronunciation: setbæk part of speech: verb hold over in spanish: posponer, pronunciation: hoʊldoʊvɜr part of speech: verb put over in spanish: poner sobre, pronunciation: pʊtoʊvɜr part of speech: verb tabular array in spanish: matriz tabular, pronunciation: tæbjəlɜreɪ part of speech: noun
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