Ultramarino in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures



» azul ultramarinoultramarineultramarine blue .

Example: Ultramarine was made from the semi-precious gem lapis lazuli and was so costly in the nineteenth century that artists infrequently used it.

Example: French ultramarine blue was non-toxic and as permanent as the natural variety but darker and less azure.

» tienda de ultramarinosgrocery  ; grocergrocery storefood shopfood store .

Example: A branch library in Falster, threatened with closure, transferred its stock to the local grocery.

Example: The city of Torup opened a branch library in the basement of a co-operative grocer.

Example: Telephone calls were made to the following: dairy (to secure milk carton storage for books); grocery stores (for freezer space for books); fire department (for fans to dehumidify books); and aerospace companies (for vacuum freezing facilities).

Example: By the 2000s the convenience of supermarkets had caused the demise of many small food shops.

Example: These stores are known for their more expensive lines of foods and specialty items not typically sold at regular food stores.

Ultramarino synonyms

colored in spanish: de colores, pronunciation: kʌlɜrd part of speech: adjective chromatic in spanish: cromático, pronunciation: kroʊmætɪk part of speech: adjective ultramarine blue in spanish: Azul ultramarino, pronunciation: əltræmɜrinblu part of speech: noun
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