Umbral in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

umbral = threshold ; ceiling. 

Example: But documents with the following terms assigned would be rejected on the grounds that their combined weights did not exceed the pre-selected threshold.Example: The Taiwan government is planning to lift the subsidy ceiling for solar equipment makers aiming to increase self-sufficiency to 80%.


» en el umbral deon the threshold of .

Example: It is especially vital that we solicit their comments now we are on the threshold of tremendously exciting programs.

» pisar el umbralcross + the threshold of .

Example: And yet, everyone knows that historically only a very small portion of the eligible users have ever crossed the threshold of a public library.

» umbral de la puertadoorstep [Generalmente usado en sentido figurado con el sentido de "casa"] .

Example: Spreading out from the doorstep is a wider social group whose influence comes to bear on children, particularly after they are old enough to wander at large on their own.

» umbral de pobrezapoverty line .

Example: A common problem with poverty lines is the assumption that household resources are equitably distributed among members, which is not the case in real-life situations.

» umbral de referencia conjuntacocitation threshold [Valor mínimo o máximo por debajo o encima del cual el coeficiente de referencia conjunta no tiene validez] .

Example: It is concluded that the choice of citation and co-citation thresholds can be influenced by formal considerations which ensure statistically meaningful partitions rather than arbitrary decision which can produce meaningless interpretations.

» umbral de rentabilidadbreak-even [En gestión, situación de una operación o empresa en la que los ingresos son iguales a los gastos de modo que ni se gana ni se pierde dinero]break-even point [En gestión, situación de una operación o empresa en la que los ingresos son iguales a los gastos de modo que ni se gana ni se pierde dinero] .

Example: This paper shows how to determine an initial price and how to conduct a break-even analysis to evaluate the risk of the proposed price and print run.

Example: Such topics as pricing, costs, income and the break-even point are discussed.

» vivir en el umbral de la pobrezalive on + the poverty line .

Example: Wine's feel-good factor makes it easy to forget that too many of the world's grape growers and pickers live on the poverty line.

» vivir por debajo del umbral de pobrezalive below/under + the poverty line .

Example: Nearly 36 million rural residents, or 3.8 percent of China's rural population, lived under the poverty line by the end of 2009.

» vivir por encima del umbral de pobrezalive above + the poverty line .

Example: Not a single province in Canada pays a minimum wage that permits a full-time worker to live above the poverty line.

Umbral synonyms

door in spanish: puerta, pronunciation: dɔr part of speech: noun verge in spanish: borde, pronunciation: vɜrdʒ part of speech: noun brink in spanish: borde, pronunciation: brɪŋk part of speech: noun doorway in spanish: puerta, pronunciation: dɔrweɪ part of speech: noun doorstep in spanish: peldaño, pronunciation: dɔrstep part of speech: noun limen in spanish: limen, pronunciation: limən part of speech: noun doorsill in spanish: travesaño de la puerta, pronunciation: dɔrsɪl part of speech: noun room access in spanish: acceso a la sala, pronunciation: rumækses part of speech: noun
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