Vaciar in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

vaciar = gut ; empty ; flush ; drain ; hollow out ; void ; discharge. 

Example: Prices of European produced scientific, technical and medical serials continue to gut US research libraries.Example: When student mobilisation started in June 43, the library rooms began to empty.Example: The sea swept in across a newly and solidly-built bus stand to come into the river which quickly and conveniently flushed the waters back into the sea.Example: The garden had obviously been flooded with sea-water although now it was all drained.Example: The Irish President said last night that Irish society is being hollowed out by individualism.Example: There were, of course, serious day-to-day problems, such as the garderobes which voided into the street or the cesspools which overflowed into a neighbour's garden.Example: Understand that most portable extinguishers discharge completely in as few as eight seconds, so they would be of little or no use in controlling a larger fire.


» vaciar el interior de Algogut .

Example: The store was gutted and rebuilt, according to his specifications, into a beautiful, modern facility, decorated in vibrant hues and furnished with the latest Herman Miller offerings.

» vaciar enempty into .

Example: Mississippi is named for the Mississippi river which forms its western boundary and empties into the Gulf of Mexico.

Vaciar synonyms

white in spanish: blanco, pronunciation: waɪt part of speech: adjective, noun abandon in spanish: abandonar, pronunciation: əbændən part of speech: verb open in spanish: abierto, pronunciation: oʊpən part of speech: adjective, verb discharge in spanish: descarga, pronunciation: dɪstʃɑrdʒ part of speech: noun, verb clean in spanish: limpiar, pronunciation: klin part of speech: adjective, verb void in spanish: vacío, pronunciation: vɔɪd part of speech: noun, adjective bare in spanish: desnudo, pronunciation: ber part of speech: adjective hollow in spanish: hueco, pronunciation: hɑloʊ part of speech: adjective, noun blank in spanish: blanco, pronunciation: blæŋk part of speech: adjective, noun vacuous in spanish: vacío, pronunciation: vækjuəs part of speech: adjective eliminate in spanish: eliminar, pronunciation: ɪlɪməneɪt part of speech: verb hungry in spanish: hambriento, pronunciation: hʌŋgri part of speech: adjective vacate in spanish: desocupar, pronunciation: veɪkeɪt part of speech: verb vacant in spanish: vacante, pronunciation: veɪkənt part of speech: adjective evacuate in spanish: evacuar, pronunciation: ɪvækjəeɪt part of speech: verb meaningless in spanish: sin sentido, pronunciation: minɪŋləs part of speech: adjective stripped in spanish: despojado, pronunciation: strɪpt part of speech: adjective drained in spanish: agotado, pronunciation: dreɪnd part of speech: adjective glazed in spanish: vidriado, pronunciation: gleɪzd part of speech: adjective lifeless in spanish: sin vida, pronunciation: laɪfləs part of speech: adjective glassy in spanish: vidrioso, pronunciation: glæsi part of speech: adjective pillaged in spanish: saqueado, pronunciation: pɪlɪdʒd part of speech: adjective emptied in spanish: vaciado, pronunciation: emptid part of speech: adjective empty-handed in spanish: con las manos vacías, pronunciation: emptihændɪd part of speech: adjective looted in spanish: saqueado, pronunciation: lutəd part of speech: adjective plundered in spanish: saqueado, pronunciation: plʌndɜrd part of speech: adjective ransacked in spanish: saqueado, pronunciation: rænsækt part of speech: adjective unfilled in spanish: sin llenar, pronunciation: ənfɪld part of speech: adjective empty-bellied in spanish: de vientre vacío, pronunciation: emptibelid part of speech: adjective
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