Abreast in spanish

De frente

pronunciation: defɹ̩ente part of speech: adverb
In gestures

abreast = uno al lado del otro, de frente, a la par. 

Example: Sometimes we cyclists are at fault for hogging the road, so we have to be really mindful about staying no more than two abreast.


» keep + abreast of = mantenerse al corriente de, mantenerse al día de, mantenerse informado de, mantenerse actualizado de.

Example: These are designed to include the main points of interest on any issue to the general reader who wishes to keep abreast of current events without having to refer to any further documentation.

» stay + abreast of = mantenerse al corriente de, mantenerse al día de.

Example: This strategy enables companies to learn of new technologies, stay abreast of dynamic changes and trends, and avoid creative stagnancy.

Abreast synonyms

aligned in spanish: alineado, pronunciation: əlaɪnd part of speech: adjective alined in spanish: alineado, pronunciation: əlaɪnd part of speech: verb arow in spanish: una fila, pronunciation: ɜraʊ part of speech: noun
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