Accent in spanish


pronunciation: ɑθentoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

accent1 = acento. 

Example: Diacritical marks such as umlauts, accents, diereses may either be ignored, or be assigned a filing value.


» accent punch = tipo movible de acento. [Tipo movible que representa un acento]

Example: Another device was to make matrices for accented sorts with the punches already used for unaccented sorts: the letter punch was stepped on its shank so that one of several accent punches could be bound on to the step to make a combined punch.

» acute accent = acento agudo.

Example: The problem here is how to file words which include letters with accents or other modifications (eg the acute, grave or circumflex in French, or the umlaut in German).

» circumflex accent = acento circunflejo.

Example: The problem here is how to file words which include letters with accents or other modifications (eg the acute, grave or circumflex in French, or the umlaut in German).

» grave accent = acento grave.

Example: The problem here is how to file words which include letters with accents or other modifications (eg the acute, grave or circumflex in French, or the umlaut in German).

» heavy accent = acento muy pronunciado.

Example: For example, pilots flying on international routes sometimes have problems in understanding weather reports spoken in English but with a heavy local accent.

» thick accent = acento fuerte.

Example: But lazy delivery, when the words are slurred or a thick accent difficult for people from outside the region to understand, are just as bad.

accent2 = énfasis. 

Example: The main accent is on primary raw materials, with particular emphasis on the extraction and use of uranium, and on the recycling of municipal and industrial wastes.


» colour accent = toque de color.

Example: Be sure not to overdo it when putting colour accents into your blonde hair.

accent3 = acentuar, realzar, enfatizar, resaltar, destacar. 

Example: We offer a selection of lace and crocheted doilies in a variety of sizes and shapes -- you can accent any table with a simple classic doily.

Accent synonyms

idiom in spanish: idioma, pronunciation: ɪdiəm part of speech: noun stress in spanish: estrés, pronunciation: stres part of speech: noun emphasize in spanish: enfatizar, pronunciation: emfəsaɪz part of speech: verb emphasis in spanish: énfasis, pronunciation: emfəsəs part of speech: noun dialect in spanish: dialecto, pronunciation: daɪəlekt part of speech: noun accentuate in spanish: acentuar, pronunciation: æksentʃueɪt part of speech: verb set off in spanish: partir, pronunciation: setɔf part of speech: verb punctuate in spanish: puntuar, pronunciation: pʌŋktʃueɪt part of speech: verb accentuation in spanish: acentuación, pronunciation: æksentʃueɪʃən part of speech: noun bring out in spanish: sacar, pronunciation: brɪŋaʊt part of speech: verb speech pattern in spanish: patrón de habla, pronunciation: spitʃpætɜrn part of speech: noun accent mark in spanish: tilde, pronunciation: əksentmɑrk part of speech: noun

Accent antonyms

destress pronunciation: destrəs part of speech: verb deemphasize pronunciation: diemfəsaɪz part of speech: verb
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