Acetate in spanish


pronunciation: ɑθetɑtoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

acetate = acetato. 

Example: The rise of documentation in this country takes a rather different turn, due largely to the development of fine grain photographic emulsions and the miniature camera using a film with an acetate, non-explosive, base.


» acetate film = película de acetato.

Example: As a result, the effects on acetate film of the 3 nitrogen oxide gases produced by the decomposition of nitrate film have been investigated.

» acetate roll = rollo de acetato. [Rollo de plástico que en los primeros años de los retroproyectores se colocaba de tal manera que al desenrollarse se deslizaba por encima del cristal de proyección para que el usuario pudiese dibujar o escribir sobre el plástico a modo de transparencia continua]

Example: The teacher writes or draws directly on to the acetate roll covering the glass platen of the projector using a water-based pen.

» acetate sheet = transparencia.

Example: The teacher may use pre-prepared acetate sheets home-produced using a spirit-based pen to ensure permanence.

» polyvinyl acetate = acetato polivinílico. [Adhesivo sintético de base acuosa que al secarse deja una película transparente de gran flexibilidad y que se usa frecuentemente en la encuadernación]

Example: This article describes a system of deacidifying and strengthening newsprint based on combined impregnation of volumes with an aqueous solution of polyvinyl acetate followed by vacuum freeze drying.

» triacetate = triacético.

Example: The 'vinegar syndrome' is the term used to describe the deterioration of the triacetate cellulose bases of safety films and sound tapes caused by the evaporation of acetic acid.

Acetate synonyms

acetate rayon in spanish: acetato de rayón, pronunciation: æsəteɪtreɪən part of speech: noun
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